Back in the days when I was working one of my biker colleagues was a Police Inspector (well I say biker, actually he rode an HD).
He went to a bike rally with his local chapter and the first evening, as is customary, they all settled down for a couple of cans. The next tent was full of guys on sports bikes who had a similar idea. The Harley guys went to bed at a reasonably hour, but the sports guys were still drinking & partying until the wee small hours. At about 5am my mate woke up desperate for a pee. But the toilets were a long way across the site and best avoided anyway. Then he had a flash of brilliance. The sports bikes were all parked there and a rather nice looking Blade had upswept exhausts. Problem solved. He went back to the tent and told the guys what he had done. He is a natural leader of men and they all followed his example.
Next morning the Harley guys were having breakfast when the owner of the Blade emerged looking worse for wear and wondering why all the old guys had started giggling. He had volunteered to get the bacon butties for his tent mates.
He put the keys in and hit the start button. My colleague, his mates, their breakfasts and their tent were in direct line of fire and got soaked.