Stolen Motorhomes recovered

Depends on the club you step into LOL.
Happened to me once, but with a caravan. It turned up 18 months later at a settled traveller's house only 5 miles away. I went there with the police to identify it; it had some unique marks on the interior. There were 2 other vans and the police took them all into storage with the insurance company paying the fees.
I contacted the insurance with a view to buyback but they basically blanked me. I always reckoned it cost the insurance more in fees than the van was worth. Bonkers!
About 30 years ago SWMBO managed to put our caravan on its side about 200 miles from home.

The insurance company wrote it off and paid up. Then they offered to ship my personal contents back or did I want to drive and collect them for which they would pay me £200. They also offered to sell me the caravan for £200. So I collected the van, spent £100 on repairs and used it for the next 5 years.

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