Speed cams good for one thing

Not particularly relevant but probably 7.5 to 10K per year - depends which of us does the driving.

Well, that appears to me to be a telling comment. If you are aware of the speed limit and are keeping within it why do you need to bother about speed cameras?

Please see above comment

Not particularly. I know where one or two cameras are locally but only because they are obvious or publicised in some other way. Locations of cameras are irrelevant if you stay within the limit.

Again, opinion rather than fact. As regards common sense, the people who place speed cameras would say it is common sense to have them there.

Is the school the only reason for ensuring people stick to the limit or could there be others - e.g. children playing near the road as they are on holiday? I don't know, do you?
I just thought it was a bit sneaky move, with the school hol's and that particular school the kids never go near it during the hol's as there is no where to play. it's on a very steep bank.
When the kids are at school the cameras are not there.
And i do agree with what you say about speed limits:) Graham.
they talk about councils being in charge of our speed limits ,and complaining to them . well one incident happened 18 months ago in barnsley i had been on the day shift, on my way home in a 30 mph zone. our mayoral car overtook me i was at 30 mph so i decided to keep up with him (mabey i should not have done ) but !!!! i clocked him at 45 mph when i went into our town hall and complained i was told in no uncertain terms to leave, i complained again by letter and guess what no reply .
they talk about councils being in charge of our speed limits ,and complaining to them . well one incident happened 18 months ago in barnsley i had been on the day shift, on my way home in a 30 mph zone. our mayoral car overtook me i was at 30 mph so i decided to keep up with him (mabey i should not have done ) but !!!! i clocked him at 45 mph when i went into our town hall and complained i was told in no uncertain terms to leave, i complained again by letter and guess what no reply .

Pity it's so long ago because it's probably too late now. For future reference though, if a council ignores a letter first of all use their internal complaints system and if that doesn't work contact the Local Government Ombudsman - address should be on the council web site but if not a Google search will find it.

Another avenue is to write to the local paper and/or local radio. They usually like having a go at politicians.

One has to have a lot of time on ones hands to write all these letters:D:D
Sorry, but I have a life and more important things to occupy my time:cool:
Even this forum is sometimes too demanding:(
Ok if you are retired with lots of time on your hands as many on here appear to have, but when you are working 50 hrs a week there is no letter writing inclination. We just snatch a post here and a post there between spending quality family time!
Also some people like to put pen to paper and others just don't have the patience.
Ill just have my rant and get on with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm afraid that organisations - be they government, councils, companies or whatever - take not a blind bit of notice of rants. They do, however, take notice of people who put in the effort to lobby constructively.

I see that on other threads there have been comments calling for general strikes, revolutions etc. I assume they are tongue in cheek but why not have a revolution against apathy - write those letters and e-mails, it doesn't take any more time than ranting and somebody might just listen if enough people do it :)

Graham, my experiences of Council Officials and organization members is that they are usually that far up their own back sides that they don't even read the letters that they receive or don't take any notice of the content into their little pre conceived minds!!!!!!

I worked in local government for nearly 36 years, the last few in Data Protection, Freedom of Information etc.

That might have been the case a few decades ago - and I'm sure it is with a minority now (just as it is in private industry). However, the vast majority of LA employees (just as in private industry) are there to do a job to the best of their ability.

this thread proves one thing

this has been a very intresting thread
it realy highlights the fact that
we all have very diverce views on all matter of things we all like to believe we are right.
but the good thing is we can first vent our feelings at our computer (thump it swear at it ect )
people well they can read in to it what they like
but we should not get to stressed out with each other its only a conservation.
i wonder if we would all carry on some of these threads face to face
i dowt it ,life is more important is it not
i know i tend to respond to some posts imediatly
and write my replys with out giving some matters some serious thought .
thinking of my self may be i ought to leave my replies to the next day
what do you think?
is it realy getting worse

i think it always been like it and it was always hidden from us in the past
may be it was a good thing not to know,
but now with freedom of info act ect,
there is more news available to us and there is big money in news reporting
sign of the times ?
Graham, 36 years of letter writing and paper shuffling:D
Try thinking out of the government or local authority box:rolleyes:

I try to avoid personal insults in all threads.

Each to their own though I suppose.

I was having a go at council officials and all the mountains of paperwork so please dont make it personal

But you can't have it both ways can you.

By saying all council officials are, in your opinion, feathering their own nests and looking after number 1 then you automatically include me.

Here are some good speed cameras



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another burn up

possibly taken holland they treat them just like that (good on em)
there are other ways of controling speed without the need for fines and endorsments.
we now have the ability to control the speed of vehicles with speed limiters (F1 use them albeit prototypes in the pits)

wired to a gps system and activated when we enter a speed limit
its been proved by southampton university that it is possible and overall cheaper for all
i would be willing to pay a one off fee of may be £100 to have this fitted to my vehicle
thus eleviating me the need to constantly take my mind off my driving
looking for cameras or mr plod
or we could do what many local villages do in france
upon entering a small village with a speed limit you will find a set of trafic lights if you are doing the required speed the lights stay green
if you are going over the limit they will turn red
so simple ( no cops no fine no endorsment and the cops are doing there job of catching crooks not raising money for greedy councils and the like)
back on topic

it started with litter thrown out of windows caught by cameras
if they caught it whats the problem
may be these cameras are realy disguised recycling machines
doing our cleaning up for us ,ho.ho
possibly taken holland they treat them just like that (good on em)
there are other ways of controling speed without the need for fines and endorsments.
we now have the ability to control the speed of vehicles with speed limiters (F1 use them albeit prototypes in the pits)

turn red
so simple ( no cops no fine no endorsment and the cops are doing there job of catching crooks not raising money for greedy councils and the like)

Great idea but please be aware that this is how Road Charging is going to implemented

So it will be good in two ways
1 - you'll be charged for using the road
2 - you will also be charged when you go 3mph over the limit

Got to be a win-win for the Forces of Darkness

btw - Speed cameras also get treated like this in the UK. The best one is at Dobwells, Cornwall on the junction of the A38 and the A390. The F. of D. have had to put it some 40 feet up in the air to stop people exacting a terrible revenge on it: Better yet, there is a CCTV watching the revenue gatherer as well
And I have lost count of how many times the one at the A437, Hillingdon has been made U/S
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I have always been under the impression that the Road Fund Licence (Road Tax) was for the useage of our roads and the maintenance af roads.. "Having paid the Road Tax"
1. We now pay for parking on the road which we have already paid for in Taxes.
2. Some have to pay congestion charges to drive on those already paid Taxed roads.
3. A lot pay going through tunnels, example: Dartford tunnel
4. Some pay to drive on Freeways and Highways, example: M6
5. A vast amount pay fines after paying their Road Tax, then pay again for parking.
6. Again, a lot pay for clamping, clamped on the road they have already paid for several times. That is all I can think of at the moment. Perhaps other folks will have something to add.
The point I am trying to make is, (1) Why have we not got decent roads. Where does all this money go. I am aware the money is moved around to pay for other amienities. Question is,why don't they use the road Taxes and other forms of obtaining money as stated above for this particular structure and then the surplus be injected to other neccessities.
I haven't mentioned money made out of speed cameras, although it is money made from using the roads.
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Just read this through from start to finish, certainly some interesting points made, and it has definitely raised a few hackles as this thorny subject often does.
I still dont see the need for these bloody cameras, whatever their purpose, ie speeding or littering.
What we need to bring back sensible driving is to get more police patrols out there, and enforce the laws we have.

I speed almost everytime, no I would go farther EVERY time I get in a car, I dont EVER go above 30 in a 30mph area or 40 in a 40mph area, but where safe to do so then I put my foot down. Every day I see morons on the phone, driving in the fast lane of motorway at 45mph with a que behind them stretching back for miles, I see the wrong signals, or even worse no signalling at all becoming more the norm all the time.
We pay enough as drivers, as David and Ann have highlighted, I think the drivers of Britain deserve a police presence out on our roads .

This would improve road safety and cut down accidents quicker and more efficiently then any bloody camera ever will.

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