Some interesting and diverse points as ever! Thanks to all who contibuted.
Whilst we are attempting to be broad-minded and trying to look at things from the viewpoint of others, I suppose it should be mentioned that places are inhabited by many, many, more folk than just
councillors, shopkeepers, publicans and hoteliers ( be they fat, thin, or otherwise).
The vast majority of the population of most towns are actually users of the services provided by the afore-mentioned categories.
Though the standard claim is often made that employment is provided by the enterprise of these folk, my own view is that the net impact of tourism - especially motorised tourists - is negative overall,
when judged from the standpoint of the majority of residents.
No, I have no break-down of the figures; don't know the personal details of each and every resident ; blah-di-blah- di yakkety-yak, etc. - but, for instance, from my own personal experience,
I'd hazzard a guess that
the folk living in Wembley and the folk living near Stratford, London ( if there any left) get more aggravation than benefit
from major local events.
I very much doubt that they relish the prospect of full car-parks, teeming shops and pubs, jammed up streets, etc etc.
So, that's just the other side of the coin. I don't expect anybody to take a blind bit of notice, of course, and I wish you all well in your travels, wherever you may go.
I'm heading for Aberystwyth today myself, and will spend at least a hundred times more money in the pubs and betting shops than I will in any place else.

Can't see me getting a Blue Peter badge for that, but not to worry.
Last time I went I got arrested, but quickly released, so Goodness what will happen today! :angel::have fun::danger::heart::sleep-027:
Btw, Maureen is quite right. Even King Canute could see which way the tide is going. Since the Sixties the game has been over for the Travelling man.
Having bigger and better ice-cream vans with posh folk at the wheel ain't gonna change that. There's too much traffic about, and even if we all went round on skateboards, they'd still try to sting us as much as they could, imo.
sean rua.
"Ignorance is treatable; Arrogance is Terminal."