***** you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink.
There are those who want to go to meets and them dont for whatever reasons, i for one am not realy inerested in meets as i like to do my own thing as do many others, but with that said i would not say that i never would go to a meet depending on where the meet was ie if it was not to far to travel, and if i could afford to, and if i did not have any family or other commitments at home.
The main problem is and i am not ashamed to say it is the money factor as i and others probably just plain and simply can not afford to go here there and everywhere as much as we would like to.
And could you imagine a meet with 10, 20, or 30 vans turning up at a proper wild meet, i think if that ever happend we would be asking for trouble from Locals, Police, and Councils and thats not something i want to be a part of.