Should we have regular wildcamping get togethers?

Should we have regular wildcamping get togethers?

  • Yes

    Votes: 37 75.5%
  • No

    Votes: 2 4.1%
  • Don't care

    Votes: 10 20.4%

  • Total voters
Just another Idea to throw into the ring, I have in the past put forward to the CCC Local D.A. the Offer to use the school where I work as a venue for a rally site, we reckon on fitting about 15- 18 units on the Playground. The School would have to make a charge and there would be no hookups but water and elsan disposal is no problem. The School is in Bollington near Macclesfield on the edge of the Peak national park, plenty of good pubs near and various restaurants including an Indian close by. I could arrange something for weekend 15/16/17 Feb next year if anyone is interested. If we had enough of us a £5 a night should cover. We could'nt accept arrivals before 4 p.m. Friday and would have to leave by mid afternoon Sunday . So does this appeal to anyone ?????? LET ME KNOW. P.S. this is the last weekend of half term.

Sounds like a good idea to me.......
Hi Graham
I'm not sure if i've got this valve. I can only remember seeing the inline valve on the plastic pipe, which is a yellow plastic valve that you stand vertical to empty the boiler.
Hi Graham
I'm not sure if i've got this valve. I can only remember seeing the inline valve on the plastic pipe, which is a yellow plastic valve that you stand vertical to empty the boiler.

Yes I think u have the manual drain, my other van did.

My new one is a solenoid type when battery power is cut will automatically drop the water hot water tank only, or I can do it manually.

Also which is annoying is the control panel bleeps when the fresh water tank is low.When coming home I like to drain the water whats left if I now I don't need it.

To get round the bleep noise is to turn off the 12v one turn off the key and it is done.
At least i know now that it hasn't got the automatic drain.
I've thought about bypassing the boiler, as i've never used it since i got the van new 18 mths ago. The bathroom is way too small to have a shower, and i just boil a kettle for washing and washing up pots.
My reasoning behind bypassing it, is that i havn't got to fill up the boiler first with 10ltrs of water before my fresh water tank fills.
Hi. Don't want to be a killjoy but aren't we a touch off topic here.:confused:
Hi. Don't want to be a killjoy but aren't we a touch off topic here.:confused:

Absolutely!!!! There are more posts on water and boilers on this thread, than on should we hold meets. There is a dont forget to drain down thread already, think I might post my MEET threads there instead.:(
Gawd lighten up ****.
Posts in threads very often stray slightly from the main topic, just like conversations in real life.
Anyway, i think ***** had a valid point about boilers, seeing as we were talking about a WINTER meet.
Jeff, thanks, that was the whole idea!! and don't forget it is not just the boiler, the water pipes could also pop off a tap head could split!!:eek:
Richard, regarding the temperature at Leek the other weekend, yes it was minus 6 at about midnight, but by morning it was well above freezing, it may have been a different story had we been in constant freezing conditions!!;)
Anyway, I will say no more about it on this thread, point taken and I apologize if anyone annoyed, but never mind;):D
100 lines,
I will keep to thread
I will keep to thread
I will keep to thread
dito another 97 times:D:rolleyes:;):D

As long as we don't get threadbare.

Just thought I'd bump this back up the order as I noticed 73 members on line in last 24hrs and only 29 votes.

Has anyone else got a view on meet ups.
I agree geoff, keep this one on top!
but my thoughts are,
every-one says "as long as it is central!" :)
to a londoner, central is in the south
to a northener, central is in the midlands
to a scotsman, central is around the borders
I wont mention the wildcamper from the shetland isles!!! :eek:
whats your thoughts on this?
How about that

Well sundown I think you've come up with a good solution to the problem we could have a similtainious meet. We all meet the same weekend but at your central location.

What do you think?
Well sundown I think you've come up with a good solution to the problem we could have a similtainious meet. We all meet the same weekend but at your central location.

What do you think?

I think I understand what you mean
three meets on the same date,
one in the south,
one in the midlands,
and one at the borders,
and one would attend which-ever is nearest!
now that sounds sensible!
I like it!
:cool: :cool: sundown

We'll be there, the midlands, that is. Derbyshire that is.

Now, whos going to propose a possible site for the borders, and the south?


We'll be there, the midlands, that is. Derbyshire that is.

Now, whos going to propose a possible site for the borders, and the south?


lenny posted a very interesting site around the borders at banburg
interesting castle to visit
whats your thoughts lenny?
With you on this one Nick.
I think trying to organize one "national" meeting to suit everyone will be a nightmare. I know it sounds unfair to those who live further afield, (particularly coming from someone who lives fairly central), it would need to be somewhere accessable to the greatest number of intrested members.
I suspect for more "regional" meets, it will rely on those few active members to organize a time and venue in thier area and hopefully get the support.
The other item I am suprised has not been raised in this thread is the proposed meet at Stratford in April does anyone know what the state of play on this is.
Have just read the posts since I started typeing this (very slow typest), but if all the meets where on at the same time, those that could or wished to travel further would have to make a choice. If the meets where on different w'ends it would be possible to attend in a different area without missing your local meet
quote, geoff, (If the meets where on different w'ends it would be possible to attend in a different area without missing your local meet)

sounds reasonable what your saying geoff ,
if three meets were set up over three weeks,
then one could attend either ones local meet,
or, all meets, if traveling at the time
could mean meeting more people, from more areas,
Keep fine-tuning these ideas!

I'm surprised some voted no. Actually now I've thought about it perhaps some would prefer to be alone.
I'm surprised some voted no. Actually now I've thought about it perhaps some would prefer to be alone.

I wondered if the no voters are saying that they would have no wish to attend a meet, quite understandable, or are they answering the question as it is writen and have objections to any meetings being organised through the forum.

If it is the latter I would be genuinely interested as to why they feel this way.
You are quite right Geoff. we are the odd ones. We live in a detached house, competely cut off from any other people, which is how we like it. We only need each other, which is rare I suppose. and value our privacy. I understand that other people like to be gregarious & respect their views. no offence intended.
Hi Autosleeper, I certainly don't consider you odd, in fact your "residential" arangements would suit me fine, where I was bought up We had an oldish chap in a cottage about 200yds away, next neighbour at the farm 1/2 ml away, "bliss".

I suppose the question I was asking, (rather badly) was, did you feel that, if those that felt they would like to meet up did so, it would have a negative effect on the forum, this you have answered admirably. I would also like to add that I totaly respect your views on this as you obviously do of others.

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