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I am always down your way at Aldi's on Saturday to do a bit of shopping. I'd rather shop at lidl's in Pool, but the Mrs always drags me to Cambourne.

We prefer Aldi, but there are some things we like better from Lidls. I was going to say "pop in for a coffee" but realised that the next 2 saturdays we are away, so maybe one day we will both be in Camborne on the same day and can arrange something! We only live a short way away from Aldi.

How did the dreaded operation go??

KP x x
We prefer Aldi, but there are some things we like better from Lidls. I was going to say "pop in for a coffee" but realised that the next 2 saturdays we are away, so maybe one day we will both be in Camborne on the same day and can arrange something! We only live a short way away from Aldi.

How did the dreaded operation go??

KP x x

Hi KP, Everything went fine. 09:00 cut off the handle with a grinder and unbolted the whole thing. FedEx delivered the new one at 11:45. By 13:00 it was all done and it looks good. Hope this one doesn't pack up on me too. The only reason we come to Cambourne is for Aldi and of course our Dentist in Chapel Street. Perhaps one day we will bump into each other. My second half and your goodself would be an ideal couple for long chats, I am sure of that.☺☺☺
glad it went well will try and bump into to you next year all being well hope to get to cornwall again been at least twice for last ten years, now on my own did make it once this year but health problem stopping me driving the distance well not the distance but doing stuff when i get there dont fancy being stuck in my little tin shed as not able to stroll that far without cramping up in pain
glad it went well will try and bump into to you next year all being well hope to get to cornwall again been at least twice for last ten years, now on my own did make it once this year but health problem stopping me driving the distance well not the distance but doing stuff when i get there dont fancy being stuck in my little tin shed as not able to stroll that far without cramping up in pain

You advice worked a treat, thanks again. I am never here in the Summer. I am always in Europe from last weekend in May to September. Winter, we are also never at home. This year (in 5 weeks) DEcember, we will be in Oz till April. We are making the best of it. A day will come when we will not be able to, so I keep those pins moving till they are out of action☺☺☺
do try and avoid crockle season it bad enough here so do know what it like in you neck of the woods so u never know
Hope you can make it at a quietish time, Hippy, maybe we can all meet up somewhere - if we can ever all be in the same place at the same time!!
Hope you can make it at a quietish time, Hippy, maybe we can all meet up somewhere - if we can ever all be in the same place at the same time!!

Now, that is a nice thought and suggestion KP. Why not, but I feel Oldish Hippy is not as close to Cornwall as we are. Fix it up and if I am in town, sure we will come along.
first big holiday stop on m5 from cornwall oh we do like living beside the seaside

i drive like the locals do if it got a white line down the middle then it motorway no white line dual carriage way grass up the midlle it a road gravel it b road drive at them and up the banks most holiday makers have no idea how wide their cars are and get scared on narrow lanes hence it safer than alantic highway
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brute force

:)hi i had this problem last year and the only way i could get the plunger down was by brute force i managed to get a lever up the inside and just kept working it free it took persaverence? when you do free it keep it greased up good luck:)

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