I think that's a pretty good attempt. Truly I don't know who it should now be sent to and quite probably Cllr Lawn is the best bet. He's the chairman of the committee making the recommendations and the Cabinet Member will, probably, be very dependent on his recommendations. But, you makes your choice and lives with it! Just because you write to one donesn't mean you can't write to another. Somewhere in this thread I provided a list of all the committee members. Post 175.
The Cabinet Member is Councillor Penny Marsden and I don't know her email address but a good guess is
I made similar calculations to yours, maybe a bit more detailed, and I sent them to all the members of the committee and a few more besides. My effort was aimed at making the council aware that we are a resource who should be courted as an attractive asset rather than an evil who needs to be tolerated. You're right about the lines of campervans not being attractive and that forms a big part of the residents' complaints. The council think that providing an Aire will cure that problem for them. I think so too. Not all, but in my opinion, most, wild campers will use an Aire if it is attractive to them and pricing is a part of that attraction.
TBear made some good arguments. A copy of them is in Post 215.
At the very least, this Council is making an effort to provide an Aire on the continental model. I think they have a half way chance of it being successful and if they can just get the pricing right they have a good chance of it being successful.
Councils seem to be obsessed with control. They even use the words "Civil Enforcement" and it must be hard for them to think like the businessmen they probably are in civilian life and they perhaps find it difficult to think of themselves selling a product - attracting business.
You can now count yourself as one of those making an effort - though those who stand on the sidelines and criticise can be useful too.
Sort of. I suppose. Maddening a lot of the time though.