Room 101.

TV programs often dealing with crime where they start a story and then stop half way through and go to another story and then come back to the first story and waste a load of time re-telling the first part of the story with a recap. After they've done the first story they'll jump back to finish off the 2nd story with........yep another recap😡. Why can't they just tell two stories?
And why do we need three or more presenters to do the job of one?
Rip off Britain for instance, ( or three old birds as I like to call it) I don't know if it's their age but that job must be so tiring because they all have to take it in turns to say a bit.
Because they haven't got enough words in their vocabulary, those that start a sentence with;
1. So....
2. Well I mean.....
3. It is what it is......
Any more?