Recommended Vets in Europe

Biggarmac - was it Dierenartsencentrum Anthemis or De Keyser / P ?

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:

The vet was Dr Dirk Moens. Dierenarts. Vakcantstraat 267. 1850. Grimbergen. Tel 02 270 00 97. His surgery is within walking distance of Camping Grimbergen. Camping Grimbergen is on a bus route to visit Brussels.
Biggarmac - thanks for the information - Vet added to Map.

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:
Another one for you Keith

Clinique Vetinaire Biot 3000
495 route de la Mar
€38 for a 19.5 kg dog, but I supplied the worming tablets.
The vet had some English, but I spoke French.
Parking very tight if in a motorhome.
Just a little update on this vets at La Mailleraye-sur-Seine.
I was there last Thursday and got three dogs sorted for 54euro and that was the vets providing the tablets too
I was only charged for one consultation
They have a notice in the window (in English) about dog passports
vet spoke very good English
And of course 2 mins from great aire
my 3 dogs are 2x springers and a shih-Tzu/yorkie cross
Many thanks for the information - Biot Vet added to the Map.

We were at the Mailleraye Vet a few weeks ago - he charged €15 for the consultation and €15 for two Milbemax tablets for one dog (35 kg) - we had to book appointment.

:dog: :dog: :dog: :dog:
Another addition for you:

Vif, south of Grenoble

François Tonnelle

Now located here Google Maps

Google Maps is out of date.

English spoken, no appointment required, small car park.

41 euros for two Lurchers
Great resource. Here are a few Vets that we have used personally between 2013-2015, they were all great and we'd use them again. All English speaking. The French and Spanish ones for tapeworm treatment & pet passport completion prior to returning to UK. The Latvian vets did a health check and certified that the dogs were fit to travel prior to our entry into Russia

Sagunto, Spain.
Clinica Veterinaria La Ribera
Avinguda de la Ribera, 14, 46520 Sagunt / Sagunto, Valencia, Spain
Phone: +34 961 18 33 00
Clinica Veterinaria La Ribera - Veterinaire - Sagonte | Facebook - 3 avis - 416 photos


Annecy, France. Vetinaire Due Lac.
Clinique vétérinaire du Lac
4550 route d’Albertville
74 320 Sévrier
Equipe | | Clinique Veterinaire du Lac a Sevrier / AnnecyClinique Veterinaire du Lac a Sevrier / Annecy


Josselin, France. Veterinary Group Porhoët.
Parc d'activités commerciales Oxygène, 56120 Josselin, France


Riga, Latvia
Little brother hospital
Kalnciema street 19, Riga

Veterinary clinic Little brother's hospital - About clinic

Dutch garden centre with vets, €5

We have use the Razijn Garden Centre chain in The Netherlands, once got the veterinary nurse at the till for our Passport stamp as the vet was busy, only cost €5 as we already had the tablets.
It's better to buy a pack yourself and just get them administered by the Veterinary.
Many veterinary products are MUCH cheaper once you leave the UK, Flee treatments etc, are worth buying.
We are now in Portugal, some super markets stock a range of animal treatments as do farm/agricultural outlets.. A Pharmacist ( Chemist shop ) ordered me tablets for our cat, arrived the next day.
I also buy Prescription only food online, 1/3 the cost the vets charge.

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