
Don't let him on, he's nowt but trouble :lol-053:
I can't be that cruel1. i might let him borrow it later. After he has made the puppies comfortable, emptied the dish washer. washed the utility room floor, hoovered and made me a nice cup of coffee but even then I only said might:lol-053:
He's probably burned it out, tell him to replace the valves!

Nah, it needs more pressure, tell him to stoke it up a bit & get the draught flowing thro it properly.

"She canna take it for much longer, cap'n!" (with apologies to the late "Scottie", engineer of the USS Enterprise)
I can't be that cruel1. i might let him borrow it later. After he has made the puppies comfortable, emptied the dish washer. washed the utility room floor, hoovered and made me a nice cup of coffee but even then I only said might:lol-053:

Not one to tell tales, but he did say something about having a lazy day and sneaking out for a beer later.

Oops sorry Pete, I seem to have inadvertantly grassed you up.
I can't be that cruel1. i might let him borrow it later. After he has made the puppies comfortable, emptied the dish washer. washed the utility room floor, hoovered and made me a nice cup of coffee but even then I only said might:lol-053:

creep :lol-053:
Here Pete, I see looking at your profile that your a Saints fan. As a Leicester City boy can I just say that we tried our best to keep you down (home and away). But we will see you next season. (Not saying in which division though!).:p
I only did my profile after i,d got my mh even though i became a full member not long before i picked it up..think i would have felt a bit silly having a profile before i had a van...
I only did my profile after i,d got my mh even though i became a full member not long before i picked it up..think i would have felt a bit silly having a profile before i had a van...

Hi Pink, I did my profile before I got my van, I did feel a bit of a fraud, but you will find quite a few members without vans and they still get a lot out of the site.
morning Rob..i havnt come across any folk without a van as yet, but i agree, they would get quite a bit from the site..its opened my eyes and made me aware of things i,d never have thought about, am learning loads and hopefully i,ll be able to help others out too ,(so long as its not technical lol)..theres some great folk on here!
View attachment 6566
Name -ElaineKirk
Touring with - The Jenster ( daughter)
Present location - layby on A85 9.8 miles west of the Tesco Extra store in Perth
Coordinates - N 56 23.497 W003 43.383
Elevation 96metres
Van - Silver transit mwb Autosleeper
Appearance - white /grey hair cut in bob , height 5'11" if standing upright , a feat I haven't quite perfected over the past few yrs so 5'9/10" maybe more accurate, slight stoop ( see previous)
Age - based on birth date of Dec '56 I should be around 55yrs of age
Sex- distant memory
Shoe size- 9 (and uncontrollably sweaty feet)
Dress style - terrible
Habits- smokes, caffeine addiction, loves cheesy scrambled eggs as cooked by The Jenster
Pets- none
Burdens- yappy terrier age 10 loyal to The Jenster and pain in the butt, permanently moulting springer who is a persistent bin skimmer who yesterday took advantage of us disappearing into the Scottish Crannog Center to steal the coffee cake and strawberry cream merangue we had bought in Dunkeld for our tea hence the knowledge of the whereabouts of the Tesco Extra store,,,,, I am rambling now,
Note to Canalsman - this layby isn't on the poi and is very good , well set back from the road,

I like your approach :)

(And thanks for the POI - duly added ...)


View attachment 6566
Name -ElaineKirk
Touring with - The Jenster ( daughter)
Present location - layby on A85 9.8 miles west of the Tesco Extra store in Perth
Coordinates - N 56 23.497 W003 43.383
Elevation 96metres
Van - Silver transit mwb Autosleeper
Appearance - white /grey hair cut in bob , height 5'11" if standing upright , a feat I haven't quite perfected over the past few yrs so 5'9/10" maybe more accurate, slight stoop ( see previous)
Age - based on birth date of Dec '56 I should be around 55yrs of age
Sex- distant memory
Shoe size- 9 (and uncontrollably sweaty feet)
Dress style - terrible
Habits- smokes, caffeine addiction, loves cheesy scrambled eggs as cooked by The Jenster
Pets- none
Burdens- yappy terrier age 10 loyal to The Jenster and pain in the butt, permanently moulting springer who is a persistent bin skimmer who yesterday took advantage of us disappearing into the Scottish Crannog Center to steal the coffee cake and strawberry cream merangue we had bought in Dunkeld for our tea hence the knowledge of the whereabouts of the Tesco Extra store,,,,, I am rambling now,
Note to Canalsman - this layby isn't on the poi and is very good , well set back from the road,

Hi Elaine, what a lovely post - good to see you around, haven't seen you on Hippy's thread lately.

Hello Adrian, very welcome to the forum indeed. I see from your profile that you are a Scorpio like my husband, which explains everything. :D

Someone was saying about finding pictures of themselves on Facebook - surely Facebook is a different sort of thing altogether from this forum? I wouldn't touch Facebook with a bargepole. Putting in a location, age and a few interests on here is surely not going to do any harm, is it? You know I live in Harrogate but that isn't going to help you find me is it? I've got nothing to steal anyway and there are at least 3 much nicer motorhomes than ours within a few streets of where I live. Anyone wants to come round for a quick burgle, I'll help you look.
Hi Elaine, what a lovely post - good to see you around, haven't seen you on Hippy's thread lately.

Hello Adrian, very welcome to the forum indeed. I see from your profile that you are a Scorpio like my husband, which explains everything. :D

Someone was saying about finding pictures of themselves on Facebook - surely Facebook is a different sort of thing altogether from this forum? I wouldn't touch Facebook with a bargepole. Putting in a location, age and a few interests on here is surely not going to do any harm, is it? You know I live in Harrogate but that isn't going to help you find me is it? I've got nothing to steal anyway and there are at least 3 much nicer motorhomes than ours within a few streets of where I live. Anyone wants to come round for a quick burgle, I'll help you look.

Hi Teffy :wave:

It was me that put the post on about privacy/profiles/facebook forums etc. To be honest I am not worried about anything being stolen there is really nothing worth taking apart from my stash of fruit and nut :scared::scared:...... I would do time if someone stole my chocolate :lol-053::lol-053:

I was just sounding off about 'my choice' whether I put anything on my profile or not.

Oh and I am sorry Adrian welcome to the site I hope you enjoy the forum. :wave:

I hadn't known there was nothing on my profile page. Never even thought about it until I was accused of sniping from the sidelines. That stung a little and I took it to heart and tried to upadate my profile page. I felt a little bullied but the accusation seemed reasonable: I was dishing a little stuff out and, maybe, people had a right to know just what background I had.

But I tried and the site wouldn't let me do it. I assumed because I'm a free member but I don't know for sure. I just couldn't update it. So I tried to point people to my original intro post and it seems as though I've been around so long my original intro post h fallen off the end and it isn't there any more. They only go back five years and that's just about how long I've been here.

So I did another intro. Most people have at least an intro.

I'll maybe do more, but I don't think I will. Anybody wants to know about me they can find plenty of stuff. Somewhere on here there are pictures of me, my van, my holidays and all sorts. Even my email address which I've not bothered to conceal. On reflection I might just search that out and conceal it.

Hi, i just updated my profile as a few people were flinging a few veiled comments about it, does'nt bother me either way i have nothing to hide, i also feel people dont have a given right to know details of others, anyway back to your comment on not being able to update your profile, i just went to 'settings' on top right of page then into 'edit profile', and was able to add info, hope this helps that is if you do want to change anything
Hi, i just updated my profile as a few people were flinging a few veiled comments about it, does'nt bother me either way i have nothing to hide, i also feel people dont have a given right to know details of others, anyway back to your comment on not being able to update your profile, i just went to 'settings' on top right of page then into 'edit profile', and was able to add info, hope this helps that is if you do want to change anything
what veiled comments were they then? i haven't seen any here.

what veiled comments were they then? i haven't seen any here.

Hi, i dont want to drag this on as there are more important things in life, if you look back over previous scribblings you will see a few who dont like a blank profile, im new to this forum thing i dont know how it works, i do now, apologies if i did it wrong, i have now filled in some details and updated, hopefully we can move on now.
Hi, i just updated my profile as a few people were flinging a few veiled comments about it, does'nt bother me either way i have nothing to hide, i also feel people dont have a given right to know details of others, anyway back to your comment on not being able to update your profile, i just went to 'settings' on top right of page then into 'edit profile', and was able to add info, hope this helps that is if you do want to change anything

You really went to town on that profile. Twelve pages is a bit too much though. :lol-049:

Get your name down for one of the get togethers and your feet will be under the table on here. We don't bite. Well a couple of the women do but that's another story. :wave:

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