Paul please feel free to check out response times on home office websites. Apart from the occasional case highlighted in the Daily Wail I think you will find they are quite high percentage wise.
How can you equate an officer knocking over someone with what you have seen on youtube.
Again how can you equate officers commiting theft of firearms with the youtube coverage.
An allegation of institutionalised indiscipline is a bit of a slur when you have mentioned 2 incidents and if you include the youtube coverage that would make a total of 6 officers which compared to 130.000 + officers hardly makes it institutionalised.
I have a mate/colleague who walked 14 miles to work on 3 occasions over the new year week. Does anybody mention this effort?You know they dont because worthy efforts and an obvious devotion to duty do not get mentioned when its easier to criticise
For the record I dont agree with the youtube incident but lets treat it as it is,a group of officers relaxing for a moment after pushing cars in snow all day which has been dealt with in force and not some example of an undercurrent of indiscipline. Who knows maybe the officers had worked flat out without a break as is often the case for 8 hours plus