Earlier this year we spent three months in south-east Asia and used "Insure and Go" - they charged about £150 for the two of us and that included two pre-existing medical conditions for Jenny. However, we spend a lot of time each year in Europe and only ever rely on the EHIC card (free) within the European Union.
Any help on getting personal travel insurance for a 3month european trip....all quotes so far are in the hundreds
My OH got took into hospital in Spain with suspected heart attack bout 4 yrs ago on our way home, i produced the EHIC free card , I thought the insurance had ran out by 2 days but luckily it hadn't and we was still covered through the bank and he got transferred to a private hospital but before i left i was ask for £250 euro for one night,
Not the first time we have been charged with this socalled free card through the years once in portugal stitches in my hand and another time my daughter had a fall and had an x ray and medication and we got charged on both occasions, so what we have experienced it is not free treatment,
I think it is best to have European insurance because like my OH he was in 12 days in private hospital and the insurance insisted he be brought home air ambulance. and put me in an hotel for 12days right next to the hospital,
As Northerner has said, the EHIC card does not entitle you to free treatment but to the level of treatment that the participating country would extend to its own citizens. The "free" bit is what it costs you to obtain the card. Thus in France we have had to make a small payment but in Spain, where Jenny had an extensive course of treatment over three months, it cost us nothing. The cost you were charged in Spain seems to relate to the fact that you were transferrd to a private hospital for part of the treatment. Jenny's treatment was in a public hospital and was excellent. As for repatriation costs, then you may find that you already have cover with certain credit cards - and we too, like most long-terming motorhomers in Europe, have a Nationwide account with free travel insurance. Finally, our motorhome insurance policy (Safeguard) includes as standard providing a driver to bring the van back home in the event of the sole driver (or both drivers) being incapacitated for medical reasons. We, therefore, have no need to pay for additional insurance when travelling in the EU.
Best quote I have had is from LV at around £170 for 2 peeps for 11 months slightly less for just 3 months
And if you were traveling long term you would not be covered as nationwide is only 31days max at any one time so if you was out long terming in Europe yes you would need extra cover,
Best quote I have had is from LV at around £170 for 2 peeps for 11 months slightly less for just 3 months
Northerner, does this extra cover price from NationWide include any existing medical problems if not it could cost a loads more
Yes this is our worry repatriation to the UK as we have already experianced we would not dare go without full cover,
And if you look at my past post on this thread you will see what I paid and this covers my husbands heart complaint and the problems I have had and we both take meds,
So people with these problems can get full cover.