Pay-per-mile' road tax on the way


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'Pay-per-mile' road tax on the way?Is this the 'Change' that Labour were talking about?Labour must consider road pricing, 'pay-per-mile road tax', to prevent a black hole emerging in the public finances, a civil servant has said.Michael Dnes, head of future roads technology at the Department for Transport, called for Ministers to consider a controversial “per-mile” tax on drivers to ensure “electric motorists keep paying their share”.With the number of electric cars on the road growing, the Treasury is facing a £25bn shortfall – about half the annual defence budget – if it cannot replace revenues from fuel duty.This is because electric car owners do not need to buy petrol, on which fuel duty and VAT is levied.
New cars/vans will be satalite linked this aug/september, this is for auto speed regulation, but it will also record distane traveled plus where and when.
All a good idea in some ways but dangerous in others.
We're going to wave flags as they forget We're seen it with the last 25 years

If you think 5000 miles will be less than you pay already road fund tax. Then your in a electric car and 15 min city.
Road users do get stung in the UK, no doubt about it It's just our taxation model, rightly or wrongly.

The big difference often quoted is between us and the USA is we get free health care and pay for fuel ⛽️ They get cheap fuel and pay for heathcare.

The two things don't equate for many people, but that's what we have come to expect.

Given the choice, I'd rather have free health care personally. But I can see it's not great for some.
If there are going to be rules based on mileage then people will always find a work around.

One of my cars is rather old, and all I have to do is undo the cable driving the tacho.

Of course, if it's only a new rule for electric cars then I am all for it. 😂
It’s rubbish once again, they manage to apply a rate for vans <=3.5t all the same rate for private use, same for private use HGV >3.5t but <=7.5t. Just band cars on weight
Simply put road tax on EV’s I have to pay £410 p.a. Anyway as the car was more than £40k

But I pay no other running costs as I charge at home from solar, even between December and February I generally got enough solar to run the house and the car, on the odd occasion I had to buy electricity I only paid 7.5p / kw on intelligent go tariff.

Tyres are to issue with EV’s they don’t last as long as the torque is higher, the car cost included 3 years servicing, replacement wipers etc, seldom charge at public points, except when I go to Waitrose as the cat park is a nightmare but there’s always an EV charge point free, sometimes I plug it in and don’t turn the charger on 😁
Not necessarily a bad thing if say the average mileage 10k? costs about £200 or equivalent for your vehicle. Only do 2k miles a year... then you only pay £40. Do 20k then you pay £400. Usage related, why not?

But beware stealth increase. If 10k miles cost £400 then it's time to protest!
OK if they do away with road tax but they won't be doing that will they. No, it's just another form of taxation and what about the increase in the cost of goods transported around the country?
As usual Ral, we'll just bend over and take a turking!
Iv hidden you face to save imbarisment but we all know its you skirting round the road tax.
robs van.jpg
They will just put fuel tax up surely thats the easiest way to get their money more you use more you pay distance and engine size
This could be fun. Based on current mileage out of four vehicles this one "currently" does the most miles! Are they going to price Honda Biff Chariots off the road? Don't seem fair to me. :D Currently £20.

They may well put a fixed tax rate on electric cars/vans, and may i point out it takes the same energy and polution to make a car battery as running a diesel for 11 years, they are not clean in any way, just another gimick, anyway car makers are cutting down on them as very little after sales on service items like ex systems filters etc.
anyway car makers are cutting down on them as very little after sales on service items like ex systems filters etc.
All except China who are aggressively looking at other countries to build their BVD's. Turkey has just signed a 1.5 billion pound deal with them. China will sell them at a cheap rate and manufacture them in their millions.
They will be worthless after two years but because they have become the dominant EV market you will be left with no alternative but to buy the same old crap time and time again.
We are not that far off the above scenario but it is coming.

Yes, the US, UK and some EU countries will apply tariffs but China is aligning itself with much larger populations and without a shadow of a doubt will be the dominant force in the world within 30 years.

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