pay attention at the back ! ! !

After a fire in 1834, the present Houses of Parliament were built over the next 30 years. They were the work of the architect Sir Charles Barry (1795–1860) and his assistant Augustus Welby Pugin (1812–52). The design incorporated Westminster Hall and the remains of St Stephen's Chapel.

borrad this from wickpedia
As an ex.teacher, i am appalled at the standards (or lack of them) of spelling within this most excellent site ! if one cares to look closely at their toolbar they will see a "spellchecker" facility. It takes only seconds to use. SO USE IT ! i will now stand up against the wall to receive the many insults that come my may call me a pedant if you wish ! :) :) :) :)

I have a spelling checker
It came with my Pee Sea
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.

Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it's weigh
My checker tolled me sew.

A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.

Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed too bee a joule
The checker pour o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.

Be fore a veiling checkers
Hour spelling mite decline,
And if were lacks or have a laps,
We wood be maid to wine.

Butt now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know faults with in my cite,
Of non eye am a wear.
I have a spelling checker
It came with my Pee Sea
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.

Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it's weigh
My checker tolled me sew.

A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.

Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed too bee a joule
The checker pour o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.

Be fore a veiling checkers
Hour spelling mite decline,
And if were lacks or have a laps,
We wood be maid to wine.

Butt now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know faults with in my cite,
Of non eye am a wear.

Firstly, Hi Keithhep, welcome aboard!! :D :D Secondly, Polly has already used a very similar post (No. 45 on this thread) Not word for word, but very similar none the less!! :cool: :cool: Anyway, enjoy the site, there's lot's to read through and if you have any questions.....please ASK! You will get an answer! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: JIM!!

I have a spelling checker
It came with my Pee Sea
It plane lee marks four my revue
Miss steaks aye can knot sea.

Eye ran this poem threw it,
Your sure reel glad two no.
Its vary polished in it's weigh
My checker tolled me sew.

A checker is a bless sing,
It freeze yew lodes of thyme.
It helps me right awl stiles two reed,
And aides me when aye rime.

Each frays come posed up on my screen
Eye trussed too bee a joule
The checker pour o'er every word
To cheque sum spelling rule.

Be fore a veiling checkers
Hour spelling mite decline,
And if were lacks or have a laps,
We wood be maid to wine.

Butt now bee cause my spelling
Is checked with such grate flare,
Their are know faults with in my cite,
Of non eye am a wear.

That Sallopian started something :p
Welcome by the way. I find this marvelous ! (yours too Polly) I'll be no longer the only one wit a bat spelling. As long as we understand each other it's OK to me. If I don't understand it ,I have an other glass of (South African) wine; and then the lights go on. Keep posting tis wai fellos,wen me bottel is emptie I'll anser in flemish; wen te wain is in te man, wisdom is in te can :D:D
Firstly, Hi Keithhep, welcome aboard!! :D :D Secondly, Polly has already used a very similar post (No. 45 on this thread) Not word for word, but very similar none the less!! :cool: :cool: Anyway, enjoy the site, there's lot's to read through and if you have any questions.....please ASK! You will get an answer! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: JIM!!

Sorry Jim, I thought I had introduced myself in 2006 ...... must have been another forum.
One question I do have is that in reply mode I don't have a tool bar, probably something I have missed.

My most profound apologies, Keithhep!!! :D :D :D My fault! :confused: It says it all in the thread title really, as it is me who is NOT paying attention !! :rolleyes: I looked at your post count and saw "two" so assumed you were a newbie! :p Wrong! As soon as I saw your latest reply, I saw 2006 at the top, so you beat me in, by nearly 2yrs. :eek: Because of this, a rather belated "Welcome" to you. Just because you do not post as much as others doesn't make you any less of a member and please accept my apologies again!! ;) ;) (Creep....creep....creep.) :cool: JIM!!
teach me something else

???spell checker ???

another thing to download and make someone else rich
shortening the memory in my computer

i use the one in pre installed word if i can be botherd

as said previously its comunicating that is important
we all speak with a diffrent accent so our spelling will reflect that
teach me something else

???spell checker ???

another thing to download and make someone else rich
shortening the memory in my computer

i use the one in pre installed word if i can be botherd

as said previously its comunicating that is important
we all speak with a diffrent accent so our spelling will reflect that

Spell checker is the ABC with the tick under it above the smilies:D:D
Spell checker is the ABC with the tick under it above the smilies:D:D

on my tower runin xp your rite:):)
but on my larpy on blastin vesta it aint there:mad:
nice to sea this fred startin up again
sos i can praktice mi spelin again

well ahh divvunt use any spellchecker an ivry body nahhs what aam taakin aboot:eek::p:D
with IE 8 Due to be released soon and now available on a Beta may be we will all soon have full command of the english language spelling included
albeit the american version ie colour color or is it culler the yanks will shurly have an answer
happy motoorhommeing
entertaining( o my god ave I spelt that rite)

Thank god for idiots like soapipan:eek: how entertaining has all this been!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D

And a HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL( sorry bit late)
As an ex.teacher, i am appalled at the standards (or lack of them) of spelling within this most excellent site ! if one cares to look closely at their toolbar they will see a "spellchecker" facility. It takes only seconds to use. SO USE IT ! i will now stand up against the wall to receive the many insults that come my may call me a pedant if you wish ! :) :) :) :)

Another forum and another teacher!
Does your motorhome have a horse box?

My take of things is, i can get by with peoples (and my) spelling mistakes, but I do feel posts written in "Text language" is unreadable.

After all, all we want to do is read it, not mark it!
Probably totally irrelevant but MS. Word can be set up to spellcheck in several languages at the same time (and it does have UK. English!).
I use it here as much of my material is trilingual writing text in English, French and Scot's Gaelic in the same document.

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