overnight stop and spending

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We always buy most of our stuff in the towns we've stopped in, that's half the fun. After all, if you've spent all that money on petrol, saving a few pence by bringing your own cheap beans seems a false economy.

Even if we're only away for a festival, once it's over we like to stop for a night on the way back, sleep in a random pay and display, and check out the town to see if there are any good cheese shops or pubs.

We will take along a few staples as we do have a wheat-allergic vegetarian on board, (I know, nightmare.) and things like 100% rye bread or veggie sausages with no wheat in are tricky to get hold of.
try to spent ur holiday at hotels of Singapore

Thank you for that incisive, intelligent and profound statement, which I'm sure has added a great deal to this thread about spending money in European villages where we've stayed overnight.
I thought you had given up posting sarky comments??? Pity there isn't a button for "DISLIKE" on the posts!!
I thought you had given up posting sarky comments??? Pity there isn't a button for "DISLIKE" on the posts!!

You're quite right, it was terrible of me to post such a response to someone whose first post was quite clearly a typical trolling. In future, if people post silly and stupid comments that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread and are simply designed to stir things up I shall ignore them. Dammit, I may even press the 'Like' button if that makes you happy!

Oh bugger! I think I've just been sarky again haven't I? :dance:

You on the other hand can give the green light to anybody who wishes to post such nonsense, which is what your silence on his post seems to have done. Is there actually anyone else out there who thinks that this guy is real and that his post is sensible and in anyway suitable for this thread?
try to spent ur holiday at hotels of Singapore

think they would let me sleep in my campervan in the carpark for free ah bugger....my fuel tank aint big enough to get me there.

let me know next time your there........just so i can make sure im not!!
Just reading some of the threads and wondered,do you tend to spend money in the town, if you have stopped free.


If we have just parked overnight for free and therefore taken nothing more from the town than you would if, say, you were visiting friends and parked your car outside their house, then we do not feel compelled to put anything back into the area. Having said that, if we are overnighting in a town and visiting its attractions then inevitably we will buy something - from an ice cream to a dinner and theatre tickets, but those purchases would be incidental to the visit.

On the other hand, if a town sets put to provide us with services (water, waste disposal, electricity, special parking places etc) as they do all over France and several other countries outside England without charging us for those services, then we do make a point of buying what we need there rather than driving on elsewhere before buying it. After all, many French villages offer these services to attract people (and therefore income) to an area that many of them would not otherwise think of visiting. Besides, in France the cheese, wine and bread is usually good enough for it to be no hardship to buy it!

One further point - we often use what to us has become known as "the Taverna trick" - because we first used it extensively in Greece - and that is to ask if we can stay overnight in a pub/restaurant car park in return for eating/drinking there. Both sides win in this scenario and we have never been turned down yet. Happy travels.
You on the other hand can give the green light to anybody who wishes to post such nonsense, which is what your silence on his post seems to have done. Is there actually anyone else out there who thinks that this guy is real and that his post is sensible and in anyway suitable for this thread?

Why have we got to use such criteria for posts?? If only "sensible" posts were allowed, these forums would look pretty bare, and wonderful threads like "Dear Rubbertramp" would not exist.

Myself, I prefer to read something silly and perhaps even laugh, than to come across one of your "sarky" posts. I'm not sure why you do it, as quite a few of your posts are really helpful. I guess you are on a mission to eliminate stupidity, and show the rest of us how silly we are, as we obviously haven't realised, and inspite of your efforts to correct us, we will persist in behaving that way.

Well, if it makes you happy, carry on, as we still have freedom to post anything as long as it doesn't infringe the guidelines. Just please be aware that not a lot of people are impressed by your attitude.
Why have we got to use such criteria for posts?? If only "sensible" posts were allowed, these forums would look pretty bare, and wonderful threads like "Dear Rubbertramp" would not exist.

Myself, I prefer to read something silly and perhaps even laugh, than to come across one of your "sarky" posts. I'm not sure why you do it, as quite a few of your posts are really helpful. I guess you are on a mission to eliminate stupidity, and show the rest of us how silly we are, as we obviously haven't realised, and inspite of your efforts to correct us, we will persist in behaving that way.

Well, if it makes you happy, carry on, as we still have freedom to post anything as long as it doesn't infringe the guidelines. Just please be aware that not a lot of people are impressed by your attitude.

What a strange person you are! Here we have a man who claims that he is 24 years old, it's his first post and he enters this thread with something totally pointless and designed just to troll. I have a go at him but you decide that it's me that's at fault! Have you also noticed that he hasn't returned and probably never will?

The problem with people such as you and regrettably there's a small number on this forum, is that when you've decided that you don't like someone, for whatever reason, that's it, and whatever they post in future you'll see the negative side. I on the other hand can totally disagree with someone in one thread but in the next one support them and agree with them. Finally, where not liking my attitude is concerned, when it comes to two or three in particular, I consider that a badge of honour. What am I to make for instance of people who tell me that because I like using sites as well as wild camping, that I'm some kind of sheep who likes staying in prisons and is institutionalised? And yet from you and the ones I have in mind there isn't a squeak of protest against this kind of disgraceful and insulting behaviour.

Like many people I started motorhoming by using sites and, as I became more experienced and confident, we started to wild camp occasionally, when circumstances permit. So I come to this site to expand my knowledge and to encourage me even further. And what I have learned from another thread, is that most members seem to be like me in that they enjoy wild camping but also use sites when it suits. But quite frankly, I've been appalled by the actions of a few who delight in trying to make us feel like some inferior species just because we're prepared to spend a few quid on a site rather than rough it behind the gasworks. And I'm so cheesed off with this that I won't be renewing my paid membership. Why should I pay to be insulted by the wild camping Taliban?

So before you have a go at me again for being 'sarky' with an obvious troll, ask yourself what you and your mates would have said if it had been me who'd made that stupid and pointless post. I can guarantee that you'd have been waving the troll flag and having a go at me this time. So do me a favour and give it a rest will you! And ask yourself why it's OK for you to post anything within the guidelines but not me. Sarcasm is humour, like satire. Yes, it's more cutting but there are times when people deserve it, and this was one.
To Northerner

With regard to your last post:

QUOTE: "Have you also noticed that he hasn't returned and probably never will?"

Could this have anything to do with what you said??

QUOTE; "The problem with people such as you and regrettably there's a small number on this forum, is that when you've decided that you don't like someone, for whatever reason, that's it, and whatever they post in future you'll see the negative side."

I seem to remember saying "I'm not sure why you do it, as quite a few of your posts are really helpful. " which doesn't sound negative to me, unless your intention was NOT to be helpful? And exactly how many times have I posted something on YOUR posts that implied a negative view of it?? I think you will find it was exactly 2, (not including this one) in reply to a post that showed YOUR negative side. Also, I have never stated I don't like YOU, only that I am not too keen on your sarky comments. (Unles you thought the DISLIKE button was for expressing my opinion of you rather than what you posted, which was not what I intended it to mean.)

As to what I would have posted if you'd made the comment that sparked off this latest round, the answer would be NOTHING!! As this is only the third comment I have made on your posts, you cannot accuse me of witch hunting. If you look at my posts, you will see that this is the only time I have ever had a go at someone. As you obviously like trying to push people's buttons, just be glad it worked, and move on.
With regard to your last post:

QUOTE: "Have you also noticed that he hasn't returned and probably never will?"

Could this have anything to do with what you said??

QUOTE; "The problem with people such as you and regrettably there's a small number on this forum, is that when you've decided that you don't like someone, for whatever reason, that's it, and whatever they post in future you'll see the negative side."

I seem to remember saying "I'm not sure why you do it, as quite a few of your posts are really helpful. " which doesn't sound negative to me, unless your intention was NOT to be helpful? And exactly how many times have I posted something on YOUR posts that implied a negative view of it?? I think you will find it was exactly 2, (not including this one) in reply to a post that showed YOUR negative side. Also, I have never stated I don't like YOU, only that I am not too keen on your sarky comments. (Unles you thought the DISLIKE button was for expressing my opinion of you rather than what you posted, which was not what I intended it to mean.)

As to what I would have posted if you'd made the comment that sparked off this latest round, the answer would be NOTHING!! As this is only the third comment I have made on your posts, you cannot accuse me of witch hunting. If you look at my posts, you will see that this is the only time I have ever had a go at someone. As you obviously like trying to push people's buttons, just be glad it worked, and move on.

Let's just rewind and review what exactly happened. Here's a thread on what we do after we've stopped overnight in our motorhomes. Some guy of 24 joins this forum, his first post is in this thread, and he says: 'try to spent ur holiday at hotels of Singapore'.

Yes, I was sarcastic because to anyone capable of rational thought this is a troll. Why would he post something like this as his first post on a motorhome forum? I wasn't sarcastic towards a normal member in a normal thread or debate but, despite this, you attack me, not him!

I know he's a troll, most other fair-minded people will also realise he's a troll and deep down I suspect that you know it as well. You possibly didn't check his profile or notice that it was a first post. I did and I concluded that he was not genuine and had posted just so that he could have a laugh at what he thinks is a bunch of old folks who have caravans or whatever. You blundered in rushing to attack me when you should have been attacking him and now you're trying to salvage something from it.

If I'd made this comment to a normal established member I would possibly deserve some criticism, and even then it's not half as bad as some of the comments that have been directed at me lately, but I didn't, I made them to an obvious troll and you were wrong to attack me and not him. So please, give it a rest will you.
Here we have a man who claims that he is 24 years old, it's his first post and he enters this thread with something totally pointless and designed just to troll.

What am I to make for instance of people who tell me that because I like using sites as well as wild camping, that I'm some kind of sheep who likes staying in prisons and is institutionalised? And yet from you and the ones I have in mind there isn't a squeak of protest against this kind of disgraceful and insulting behaviour.

That's an easy one. He shouted a meaningless statement through the door and ran away. All sensible people looked at each other, raised their eyes towards the ceiling and went back to their pints. You, on the other hand, over-reacted to a joke and are still over-reacting to that joke even though you now know it was an innocent joke. He, therefore, is long-gone in our minds; you, unfortunately, just won't go away.
There comes a point in some threads when you could almost copy and paste the following few pages from somewhere else.
That's an easy one. He shouted a meaningless statement through the door and ran away. All sensible people looked at each other, raised their eyes towards the ceiling and went back to their pints. You, on the other hand, over-reacted to a joke and are still over-reacting to that joke even though you now know it was an innocent joke. He, therefore, is long-gone in our minds; you, unfortunately, just won't go away.

No comment! :wacko:
I know he's a troll, most other fair-minded people will also realise he's a troll and deep down I suspect that you know it as well. You possibly didn't check his profile or notice that it was a first post. I did and I concluded that he was not genuine and had posted just so that he could have a laugh at what he thinks is a bunch of old folks who have caravans or whatever. You blundered in rushing to attack me when you should have been attacking him and now you're trying to salvage something from it.

I hadn't realised that in fact you are the GOOD GUY in all this, protecting us from "the actions of a few who delight in trying to make us feel like some inferior species ".

Well done. You deserve a rest from all this protecting!!
I must be odd then cos i like to shop wherever i am, i get home from work, jump in the van and am off, i ALLWAYS shop local, keep my reciept just in case some jobsworth comes a knocking and has a complain about us freeloaders, i also treat it as part of my break, if i shopped at home, its home and its the same old same old, whereas when your away its more of a novelty, i think.... anyway, thats me and i like it that way

Exactly the same as me, can't resist walking around strange lovely little foreign shops with exotic food.
Makes me feel like a little kid again.. :tongue:
No comment! :wacko:

In order to say that you weren't commenting, you did in fact, comment, which raises the interesting philosophical question: does the light in the fridge go out when you close the door or does a falling tree in a forest make a noise if there is no-one there to hear it or how many motorhomers does it take to convince a northerner that no-one bloody cares?
Is that related to that cat in the box thingy? Shroeder's cat - or something like that!!

Is that related to that cat in the box thingy? Shroeder's cat - or something like that!!

schroedingers cat. a cat in a box with a vile of poision. you dont know if the cat is alive or dead until you open the box...well thats the basics of it. my cat was called schroedinger but the ex took it. the 2 i have now are calleld Einstein and Doppler.
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