overnight stop and spending

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Just reading some of the threads and wondered,do you tend to spend money in the town, if you have stopped free.
a couple of pints in the nearest pub, if in walking distance (for me, cant walk far). and or a little shop.
I really don't believe that anyone who has used a free aire is going to say: "Oh, that's nice of the town to provide a free aire, before we continue our journey let's nip in and spend 20 Euro at some local shops". I suspect that most people will only spend money when they actually need to buy something.

There's no doubt that a town may benefit from a free aire as some of us may well buy groceries or fuel. They may use a restaurant (we do often) but only because they want to use a restaurant, and if the aire had a charge they'd still be eating out anyway.

I really do hope that most motorhomers aren't like a bloke that I met in the Dordogne last year. He boasted that he goes to France for a month and the only thing that he spends money on is diesel. He uses free aires and takes a garage stocked up with food bought in Britain. I suppose that he must spend a small amount on bread and fruit etc. but you take my meaning! And the words "I only really spend on diesel" were his!

Regrettably, I never faill to be surprised at how mean some people can be. Please note the 'some people' it's not everyone thank God! And I'm not talking about being mean by necessity. I accept that some people are on tight budgets and it must be preferable that they can go abroad with their 'vans and conserve funds, than not go at all. I'm talking about people with expensive 'vans who, from conversation, aren't hard up by any means!
Yes, I have even bought antique furniture in one little village:lol-053:

If I had not stopped the night (actually a council carpark) I would never of discovered a lovely bit of furniture. Allways pays to explore your surroundings and don't forget to tell the shopkeeper you are in a M/Hif you are making a sizable purchase:lol-061:

hi. i take lots of cheap food from uk . try not to spend anything i dont have to. buy whats cheaper in what ever country we pass through . try never to buy diesel in portugal. fill up just before the border. if coming back from maroc fill up there just before we leave . could be 500 litres of diesel. enough to get back to northern spain . think many do similar. always buy beer etc in spain its far cheaper than anywhere else.
buy batteries and carparts etc in uk as they are usually cheaper. dont use restaurants . maybe i,m the only ,or there is that bloke northerner saw. i once knew a couple that reckoned they only spent just over a pound a week in maroc n spain apart from diesel. good on them i say. two years ago we did a drive round spain portugal and back . 5 months only cost just over 2 grand . mind we did take alot of grub. could have spent less if we had been really mean.
I think a distinction should be drawn between those full timing or on long breaks and those on holiday or away for a weekend.

The former group have to live long term, often on a budget, while the latter can much more likely afford to patronise the local economies.
What's the point of going to France and NOT buying the bread??? While you're at it, visit Belgium and don't drink the beer, go to Germany and avoid bratwurst at all costs, in fact stay in Dover where you can buy Watneys Red Barrel and cheese and onion crisps...:lol-053:
bread n beer dont need to be avoided . there are things in each country that you just have to buy. even bring home with you. like spanish brandy (solera). mmmmmmmm. but dont buy the portugese bread not nice. my mat bakes his own every 2nd or 3rd day .exceptin maroc lovely flat bread . mmmm.
To be honest, the places we tend to stay are usually so remote you are nowhere near a shop!
bread n beer dont need to be avoided . there are things in each country that you just have to buy. even bring home with you. like spanish brandy (solera). mmmmmmmm. but dont buy the portugese bread not nice. my mat bakes his own every 2nd or 3rd day .exceptin maroc lovely flat bread . mmmm.

Hi Alan,

So like most of us, you try the local produce and if its good you stock up on it. Its up to the locals to offer something we want to buy.

hi, i have found that the last few years the price of simple food as got dearer on the continent. quite alot as got dearer than here. so take whats cheap from where ever. i like to take a few fraybentos pies . not the best in the world but at a quid each makes usefull camper tucker. another handy thing is meatballs 39p in asda again handy if parked up miles from civilisation. shame corned beef as got so expensive . usefull hot or cold ,cubed in veg stew mmmm. soon learn whats a good buy. but lidl in spain take some beating for beer n wine.
Leave your prejudices at home and eat what the locals eat as and where they eat it. Always found it good value.The rule in Hong Kong was if you like it. Don't ask what it is though:lol-053:
hi i havent any prejudices but like to eat well every where. as an army chef i can cook just as well as any restaurant and better than many. just dont have the need to eat out. but a special birthday when miles away from home a pie chips and mushy peas always goes down well . most love it. bit like having bacon sarnies after a swim . the smell get a few lurkers wondeering where you get bacon in morocco 2 months into your stay. cryovac packing its easy. no fridge required.but a nice big bass in maroc is only pence.
cook it slow in the oven with lemon or orange in slits on the sides . lovely.
Army Chef?? They weren't called that when I was in. :lol-053:
It was "who called the cook a C---? WHo called the C --- a Cook?":lol-049:
Like Northerner said we don't think 'oh, must go and find something to buy in the local shops' but we do obviously buy milk, fruit, bread etc. frequently to get it fresh and will have a wander round the local shops and see if there's anything else we want while we're there.

We too have bought bits from 'antique' shops, book shops and so on. Don't really think about it much - just go shopping when we need to wherever we happen to be and have a browse around too.

We do carry things like Fray Bentos pies and a few other tinned things - in case there are no shops nearby or we're feeling too lazy to get out and walk! - just common sense really.
I really don't believe that anyone who has used a free aire is going to say: "Oh, that's nice of the town to provide a free aire, before we continue our journey let's nip in and spend 20 Euro at some local shops". I suspect that most people will only spend money when they actually need to buy something.

There's no doubt that a town may benefit from a free aire as some of us may well buy groceries or fuel. They may use a restaurant (we do often) but only because they want to use a restaurant, and if the aire had a charge they'd still be eating out anyway.

I really do hope that most motorhomers aren't like a bloke that I met in the Dordogne last year. He boasted that he goes to France for a month and the only thing that he spends money on is diesel. He uses free aires and takes a garage stocked up with food bought in Britain. I suppose that he must spend a small amount on bread and fruit etc. but you take my meaning! And the words "I only really spend on diesel" were his!

Regrettably, I never faill to be surprised at how mean some people can be. Please note the 'some people' it's not everyone thank God! And I'm not talking about being mean by necessity. I accept that some people are on tight budgets and it must be preferable that they can go abroad with their 'vans and conserve funds, than not go at all. I'm talking about people with expensive 'vans who, from conversation, aren't hard up by any means!

....yet another thread he doesn't believe!!! Oh hum....I rest my case!!
....yet another thread he doesn't believe!!! Oh hum....I rest my case!!

Here we go again! Are you going to pollute every thread that I'm in with this childish obsession? For anyone who doesn't know a couple of us have disagreed with this man's view on Britain and on his conspiracy theory views, some of which are positive signs that he's convinced that the entire world is waiting to get him.

Now, like some scorned lover, he appears to be stalking me at every opportunity. It's very worrying, not for me of course, but I do wonder what's driving him.

Moderator, where are you?
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bread n beer dont need to be avoided . there are things in each country that you just have to buy. even bring home with you. like spanish brandy (solera). mmmmmmmm. but dont buy the portugese bread not nice. my mat bakes his own every 2nd or 3rd day .exceptin maroc lovely flat bread . mmmm.

portugese bread is great,but only from the bakery and still warm-yum,makes lovely toast the next morning,any left after that bin it.as for maroc bread and apricot jam,yum again
Army Chef?? They weren't called that when I was in. :lol-053:
It was "who called the cook a C---? WHo called the C --- a Cook?":lol-049:

"Andy Capp's Commandos" "Aldersot Concrete Company"

Yes we took the p*ss but what wouldn't you do for a compo sausage sarni? :lol-053:
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