If the weather holds it is looking good for Auroras tonight...even the media is now talking about it, (wonder if they are watching this thread for info lol)!
Thanks for info by you and all others.
You've got me hooked.
You can certainly see the effects on radio transmissions.
For those interested in visual displays of the effects:
There is a small but active side of amateur radio that send out very slow morse code, typically 3-12 seconds for a dot at very low power, typically 100mW (typical amateur power is 100w+)
These signals are often so buried in the noise that they are inaudible to the ear. By clever computer processing, these signals are decoded and displayed as an image taken over time.
Receivers all over the world are listening to these signals and put them on the web for all to see, so it's possible to "see" your signal on the other side of the world. This is known as QRSS transmissions. See:
If you look at these grabbers, when a solar flare hits the ionosphere you can see the effects. Sometimes the signal just vanishes, other times there will be a shift in frequency similar to the Doppler effect.
Ordinary short wave transmissions can just vanish as the ionosphere is disturbed. Short wave radio signal bounce off the ionosphere.
Makes it interesting!! Especially when you combine motorhoming with radio in various locations.
Lets hope the predicted cloud blows over before tonight. Brilliant sunshine and hardly a cloud at the moment!!