I wouldn't say that we were a massive source of income Barry, but there are places where we are significant.

Some businesses do object to motorhome bans though but councils will always bow to the voters rather than a few business owners.

...or their own financial interests of course. 🙂
I wouldn't say that we were a massive source of income Barry, but there are places where we are significant.

Some businesses do object to motorhome bans though but councils will always bow to the voters rather than a few business owners.

Yes true and generally the public (voters) don't like us.
I think councils would be better to go with limited numbers in designated bays only that are spaced out to prevent congregating and limited length of stays eg 48hrs max no return within 48hrs

Yep. Exactly. Seen that work in France. However you always get someone who parks a car in a motorhome bay or vice versa. Few tickets should sort that out.

There was a brilliant car park just round from the Lizard that had a motorhomes welcome sign pay and display and the front row over looking the sea was motorhomes only. Can't remember where it was now.

Edit: it's Praa sands. Two car parks actually
Having read most of this thread and agree we will find it almost impossible to change people's perception of us.
I would suggest that there isn't a great deal of difference between car and motorhome occupants, when it comes to spending but the longer you are somewhere the more opertunity you have to buy something.
Especially for instance going for a meal or a show or the pub.
Therefore car drivers probably don't actually give anymore business than us, that is if we were allowed to park and if the local council was to provide suitable places and charge a reasonable fee.
The main flaw is that, first you need the will of the local council, to make it work and this may be a generalisation but there are a lot of small minded councillors that don't want change.
As vehicle tax payers we are owed the use of roads and parking as much as car drivers are.

Going by your outlook we should all abandon motorhoming and go to B&B's in cars or only use sites? There are many places where motorhomers spending is much appreciated by local businesses, not the busy seaside towns perhaps but many more rural towns and villages.
Not at all. But why should we be allowed to park up and block (yes we do!) seafronts, sometimes for days on end and effectively push others out? The problem is that "we" only want to go to places that are either beautiful or have some other draw. With more places starting to provide Aire types of places, that is what we should be pushing for, not blocking sea front areas. But of course, there is another problem. "Us" motorhomers, who are spending in all of these places are now starting to complain that there is a charge to stop over and not at all like French Aires. Well, this is not France! If people are not prepared to pay a small fee to park up, they are not going to be spending much in the local area.
Not at all. But why should we be allowed to park up and block (yes we do!) seafronts, sometimes for days on end and effectively push others out? The problem is that "we" only want to go to places that are either beautiful or have some other draw. With more places starting to provide Aire types of places, that is what we should be pushing for, not blocking sea front areas. But of course, there is another problem. "Us" motorhomers, who are spending in all of these places are now starting to complain that there is a charge to stop over and not at all like French Aires. Well, this is not France! If people are not prepared to pay a small fee to park up, they are not going to be spending much in the local area.

I'm not sure what you mean by "park up and block" (And - No I don't!). Surely we have as much right to park on the seafront as a car? And whilst I agree that it is wrong to park in such places for days on end where parking is hard to obtain I do believe that the majority of Motorhomers don't do this.

You should attend a few meets if you want to see how much motorhomers spend in a location, I think you would be pleasantly surprised. Usually objecting to paying a small fee doesn't come up unless it is disproportionate to what any other motorists pay. Objections come to bans which is what the thread is about really. Still, I'm only taking part because I'm bored I generally stay away from these places and I'm quite happy to spend my money elsewhere where I feel more welcome. 🙂
Not at all. But why should we be allowed to park up and block (yes we do!) seafronts, sometimes for days on end and effectively push others out? The problem is that "we" only want to go to places that are either beautiful or have some other draw. With more places starting to provide Aire types of places, that is what we should be pushing for, not blocking sea front areas. But of course, there is another problem. "Us" motorhomers, who are spending in all of these places are now starting to complain that there is a charge to stop over and not at all like French Aires. Well, this is not France! If people are not prepared to pay a small fee to park up, they are not going to be spending much in the local area.
How are we pushing anyone out, we have as much right to park as anyone else.
Would you say a car park full of cars are pushing us out.
I am sure that cars massively outnumber motorhomes in Scarborough, they did on my one and only visit.
As for paying to park, so long as charges apply to everyone I doubt if many would complain about paying to park.
So we want to go to places that are beautiful with some draw, I stand convicted of that heinous crime M’lord send me down. So are we to be relegated to ugly places with no draw, is that our worth.
And we’re not in France, we’ll blow me away, thanks for the info.

The mast majority of us are more than willing to pay a fee to park, but if you wish to concentrate on the few who don’t in order to make a point, then so be it.

All they had to do was limit numbers and duration, job done, but yet again they go for a complete ban. But then from what you post you seem exhilarated by what has been done, that’s those miserable tight fisted sea front blockers who push people out sorted.

Job done.
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But if I park my massive motorhome at Scarbados I'll take up the room of four cars and when I put my massive dish 📡 up it will block out the sun. You could see why locals and the green eyed unwashed might get annoyed with that. 😁
We make allowances for you Barry, anyone with a massive sun blocker like yours deserves respect. But of course you would keep the great unwashed entertained with your Marshall amps and your electric guitar, you being a rock legend Barry. :ROFLMAO:
We make allowances for you Barry, anyone with a massive sun blocker like yours deserves respect. But of course you would keep the great unwashed entertained with your Marshall amps and your electric guitar, you being a rock legend Barry. :ROFLMAO:

Being a rock God he's probably been given the key to the city (well, town anyway) by Scarborough Council Bill.

Mind you he's probably lost it or left it somewhere. 🙂
Now you see there's a positive idea to promote motorhomes in Scarbados. Well done Bill. We get a few WC musicians and we play on the roof of my van while driving slowly up and down the front between south Bay and North Bay where the parking is all day long (with me as the lead singer and lead guitar obviously). My new Lithium system (when I get it) should handle the Marshalls.

People will flock in from miles around and the tills in Scarbados will ring like buggery. Problem sorted. No, don't thank me.

Who knows Ace of Spades by Motorhead?
Now you see there's a positive idea to promote motorhomes in Scarbados. Well done Bill. We get a few WC musicians and we play on the roof of my van while driving slowly up and down the front between south Bay and North Bay where the parking is all day long (with me as the lead singer and lead guitar obviously). My new Lithium system (when I get it) should handle the Marshalls.

People will flock in from miles around and the tills in Scarbados will ring like buggery. Problem sorted. No, don't thank me.

Who knows Ace of Spades by Motorhead?
No Barry you completely missed my point.
Some of us will “block and push car drivers out” and you will do the same with your loud music. Once they have all buggered off, we and the seagulls have Scarborough to ourselves. :ROFLMAO:
Looking at the first photo in the article that’s a hell of a lot of vans, not my cup of tea at all personally!
Is that normal or an unrelated pikey invasion with the photo being used to misrepresent the situation?
Surely if that many want to flock together regularly at the same time the council could instead charge for overnights rather than ban it.
Looking at the first photo in the article that’s a hell of a lot of vans, not my cup of tea at all personally!
Is that normal or an unrelated pikey invasion with the photo being used to misrepresent the situation?
Surely if that many want to flock together regularly at the same time the council could instead charge for overnights rather than ban it.
They always try to show a photo that is not the norm, throw in something about complaints, our poor behaviour, and we don’t support the local economy enough.
You know the same type of things that could be applied elsewhere.
Theres a photo taken in Pitlochry just before new year showing a carpark full of motorhomes. I have spent the night alone there, on the other occasion there was two other vans.

I have been once to Scarborough, once was enough, we were relieved to escape without being dive bombed by seagulls, whose mess was everywhere. Not my cup of tea, but that’s not the point.

As you say they could have charged us to stay, and also limit numbers and duration.
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Maybe Scarbados set it up as a Strawman motorhome parking scam. I did find it unusual that the town that was always anti motorhome suddenly allowed a free for all. Now they got the pictures and story they wanted of motorhome carnage they can just ban it lock stock.
Maybe Scarbados set it up as a Strawman motorhome parking scam. I did find it unusual that the town that was always anti motorhome suddenly allowed a free for all. Now they got the pictures and story they wanted of motorhome carnage they can just ban it lock stock.
Ah now you may well be on to something their Barry.
I wonder do they have a councillor called Baldrick.
It could be a cunning plan. :ROFLMAO: