N. Ireland Aires survey, please help

Thank you very much for the link to the international survey. It makes interesting reading.

I shall certainly make the Ards and N. Down council aware of it. My own council area (Newry, Mourne and Down) recently decided to erect height barriers in my home town Newcastle, (no not that one, ours is a small seaside resort) so I am in the early stages of trying to influence them in the provision of some dedicated parking with basic services. The more statistical evidence we can use the better.

Thanks again,

N Ireland Aires

Survey completed. I have plans to visit Ireland in 2019 and this would certainly encourage me.
There is a big push and talks with councils on the irish craic site at moment,may be a good idea if some one in charge here contacts them and work together then things may start to happen,no use hiding in our own corners as this is becoming a very large issue for us all considering how sales of m/homes is growing.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the survey, the closing date is Friday 5th.

If you have 5 minutes to spare please consider filling it in. Your help is much appreciated.

maureenandtom, I have this morning passed on the European survey link you provided to the council, thank you.



There was a European-wide survey carried out by a Portuguese Motorhomer, Raul Lopes, in 2010 and is the only survey I know about. You maybe remember it. Raul gave his permission to use the survey in any way we found useful. I've used it a couple of times and Raul confirmed a couple of months ago that we could still use it if we wanted. It's interesting reading anyway whether we use it or not.


If my dropbox link is working you should be able to download it from that below.

Dropbox - The european motorhomers-summary of Answers to International Survey.pdf

Downloaded to read at Leisure !
N Ireland Aires Survey.

We are intending visiting Ireland this year, and I will give the matter some thought and certainly reply as helpfully as I can. As another member says, this is forward thinking on the part of the Council. They deserve all the help they can get.
Cheers Davy. I've used them back in my biking days. Was going to give them a bell after the festivities. :cheers:
Ards and N. Down district council (N. Ireland) are seeking information from motorhomers in order to evaluate the need for Motorhome parking and Aires provision in their district. This information may become the template or evidence base for other councils. There is a slow awakening in the whole island of Ireland to the need for facilities. I am working with the council and motorhomecraic.com to seek provision of same.

I would be pleased if you could find the time to complete the survey, even if you have not been to Ireland yet. The answers you provide will almost certainly be similar to your own motorhoming experience. Pass the word to other motorhomers if you can.

Aire de Service, user survey
- Ards and North Down Borough Council
- Citizen Space



Done. Let's hope it spreads all over!

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