Of all the Charities I like Oxfam the least, their shops are charging ridiculous prices for donated goods ,their executives are receiving huge salaries, and now I see they want £195 per head deposit from people up front to Steward events for them from which they profit, [refundable if you attend as you stated you would ],I think today all the Charity shops have lost the plot in their shops , they have clothing on their shelves that are priced very high considering the market they are aimed at and the fact that the goods were donated in the first place, after a time clothes that are not sold are black bagged and sold cheap as rags , I have seen lorries taking several hundred black bags of clothing and textiles away for rags or that is what I was told by a Charity shop manager when I queried this, but I suspect that as the men on the vans were of Eastern European origin the goods were going elsewhere, Oxfam appears to be the worst offender.Perhaps you know differently?