Mosquito Killer

I bough some of those round ones that you stick on the window and charge all day via solar then give off a blue light at night and are supposed to zap them. tbh they dont really work
I was wondering about that. A bit like the buzzy thing you can carry to keep dogs away and to stop them barking, ( I bought one) another piece of plastic chinese crap that doesn't work.
Reference a mozzy killer.
Next time you’re at the beach pick up 2 flat smooth stones and keep them in your pocket and when you catch a mozzy place one stone in the palm of your hand, place the mozzy on the stone and bash it with the other stone, problem solved.
Hope this helps 😂😂😂
Reference a mozzy killer.
Next time you’re at the beach pick up 2 flat smooth stones and keep them in your pocket and when you catch a mozzy place one stone in the palm of your hand, place the mozzy on the stone and bash it with the other stone, problem solved.
Hope this helps 😂😂😂
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Found this dead in the conservatory this morning.



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This is the web page (French) for the spread of the Tiger Mosquito.

We have a mains powered zapper that can easily run off of the inverter. We bought it is France four years ago. It works very well. But two things.

1. Zappers should be set up away from people. Not in the same, near space. If they smell you, that may get through. The idea is to keep the little blighters away. (Look at food prep areas, Zappers are always away from the food.

2. The bulbs do not last forever. They have a usage of around a year before they lose their effectiveness. That is a year, on constantly. So about 9000 hours for the industrial ones. I would guess a lot less for the cheap ones.
This is worth a listen on this subject. It dispels the myth of Citronella being "good" as a repellent, it is OK. They test a number of concoctions including DEET, PMD IR3535 and Picaridin. All four worked well and although it says it is not "scientific" it does mirror official tests. If one of these doesn't work, it is likely it is not applied correctly.

Edit. I forgot to say. Listen to the bit about Midges in Scotland! Nasty little bar stewards! (at 15 minutes)

Second Edit. If you do get bitten, there are a number of ways to help stop itching, one is Voltarol. Although it is meant for muscle pain, it works a treat on itchy skin. But be aware that it needs to used sparingly according to the information leaflet.

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There is an upside to the presence of Mosquitos. All you need is a strong elastic band and a bit of patience.

You wait until a lumbering Mozzie (lumbering because it is full of your blood) settles on a surface and then you zap it with the elastic band. A red splodge on a wall looks highly satisfying. :giggle:
when I saw this pic I felt sorry for the poor little bug
I hope that he had a good long and fulfilled life :unsure:
I didn't kill it though it was just laid there all dead like, they all come in and head butt the windows, I rescue the bees, the spiders usually deal with the others.
We bought one but it was no good so had to return it as the battery didn't last long.
Has anyone had any experience of these and know of one that works well.
Thank you PJ
50mph faster BUT much less manoeuvreable
By the time that the ME-262 became operational, there was a huge lack of fuel, oil and resources in germany. They also lacked trained, experienced pilots.
We saw that in Finland the mozzie (they have very bad mozzies) are called Mig, which i think is what Russians call them, and their jet fighters.
I was wondering about that. A bit like the buzzy thing you can carry to keep dogs away and to stop them barking, ( I bought one) another piece of plastic chinese crap that doesn't work.
I bought one of those things that stops dogs barking at it works brilliantly, next door neighbour has two yappy dogs which really get on your nerves, she had a 80th birthday party a few weeks ago and before we went round we could hear her dogs yapping away, when we went into her back garden to join the throng the dogs disappeared, after an hour somebody said "the dogs are quiet, where are they?"
They were in the house laying in their beds, my neighbour thought they were tired. I thought it best not to show her what I had in my pocket 😲
The best answer to Mozzies is sleeping under a mosquito net. Any other method is not 100% effective. There are guidelines you can follow to lessen the chance of bites. Plenty info online.

ps, I learned the hard way after contracting Malaria. :(
Tried that but our bed in the rear corner of the van seems to attract mozzies before you get to bed and close up the net so we are then bitten overnight.
Good tip about Voltarol post-bite....
Tried that but our bed in the rear corner of the van seems to attract mozzies before you get to bed and close up the net so we are then bitten overnight.
Good tip about Voltarol post-bite....
If you set up a 12 volt fan to blow over the bed area, there will be no Mozzies there. Conversely you can use an oscillating fan instead of a net.

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