The other day when out shopping a long string of classic cars passed us,must have been on a run or a meetup somewhere,no one her gives a feck and police have but all vanished.
I thought guidance was bike dog or walk excercise should be limited to one hour a day ?
The whole shebang is as clear as mud.Yet NI seems to be doing better than the rest of the UK in the infection/death rates if the stats are to be believed?
And the messages have been mixed.
Maybe it is all down to interpretation, but if "your man" says it's OK to drive to a destination and take exercise as long as it takes longer than the drive what do you expect people to do?!
A lot of the 'instructions' have been as clear as mud, imho, and certainly left wide open to interpretation.
It makes a mockery of the's like doing half a job.
Rant over....for now
What makes a mockery is this, i know of 2 nhs nurses 1 who has had a garden party and another who has had a house party, but yet we are all staying in like good little people to help the nhs!!!
Mixed messages are good.
As someone says. Mixed messages. If a rozzer stops me I'd rather quote the Chief Constable Council edict than Mr Hancock on the 1st May because he is likely to change his mind mid sentence. He did quote the guidelines when objecting to the Times article about over 70's and changed the guidelines on 1st May to cover his misreading.I suggest you read the Gov latest guidelines as of 1st May.
Thank you I thought I was going mad but I have seen no mention that excercise has been extended from one hour per day.RIght from the start it has been 1hr exercise per day. But it doesn't suit some so they try to bend and twist the directives meanings to suit themselves. Would you really have wanted the lock down to be as harsh as such as Spain's has been. Or to be treated like reasonable responsible adults to do the right thing.
It would seem many need to be put in shackles and hobbled.
30,000 dead in just over a month.