Millau Bridge

Now I'm hyperventilating!... that's my absolute favourite cheese :tongue: I didn't even know there was a place you could visit but that's also on my bucket list now for sure, thanks Wooie View attachment 61759
The Australian Customs confiscated a tonne of it and destroyed it ALL, the importer was sent to Gaol for importing dangerously unpasteurised foodstuffs. Seems they are a bit paranoid about dangerous infections from food , surprising seeing all the stuff they do eat, that I wouldn't.
I planned to go over the bridge shortly after it opened as I was driving down to Catalonia through France, but not on the Sat Nav yet of course and didn't see any signs.

Looking at the pictures, I am not sure I would go over it now without being in something with Wings attached. A tad too high and a big drop over the edge :scared:
Have been over it a few times now. I regard the 12€ charge reasonable when compared to going down to the town and back up again (did that once, before using the bridge), plus I look at the fee being from Clermont-Fernand to the Med. We use peage very sparingly as a rule.
When we travelled over the bridge two years ago, just after the slight bend on the North side before the toll booths, the traffic in each direction had stopped. Lorries skewed across the road, looked to be a serious accident. We were inching forward and concerned as to what we were going to see. On getting to the “accident” there was a huge charcoal bbq in the outside lane, white vans with side doors open showing stacks of beer, people partying and police standing about observing. Turned out to be a protest by the fairground travellers (I think that there were rule changes about to come in force as to where they could/couldn’t park in towns etc, changing their traditions). We were lucky as the northbound holdup was only a hundred yards or so (10mins) but in the other direction the tailback was a mile or more.Could only happen in France!
We overnighted at the visitor centre one year, big parking area, toured the visitor centre, very interesting, great feat building the bridge, my wife has a fear of heights and said she would not like to drive over the bridge, when we left the parking area I got on the Motorway by default and you guessed it we were heading for the bridge and had to cross it , my wife claimed I did it on purpose but I didn't,Hee Hee, not a problem anyway as the bridge is designed so that one can see laterly from it but NOT down so all was well, it is a must do thing I think.:wacko:
The way I see it is that you get 200 miles of motorway with great views for your €12 or so.Whats not to like :D
There`s an aire right by the road as you approach the factory and you can do a tour with plenty of taste testing but be warned .................................

The flies are horrendous on the aire :scared: and the road noise is terrible so i doubt you`ll get much sleep :mad2:

The wagons are running constantly and are either accelerating hard up hill or braking hard going back down the hill fully loaded.

The fridges / coolers on the wagons are also running at full bore :mad2:

All being well we'll be heading down to spain in august but more than likely taking the west coast route,but may head back this way just for a chance to have a look at Roquefort as well.Thanks for the heads up Wooie
millau bridge.jpg
The last time we were on the A75 there was too much snow to go off the main road,for us anyway.
Been over it a few times. Magnificent work of engineering worth every euro to use.
Well I am completely out of touch, I always thought that one was a bit past Menton across the border in Italy!!

Dont think I would want to go over it but not sure, not that keen on heights like that. I am certain I went on a bridge somewhere on the west coast of France on the bike and it went up fairly high and out in the sea then curved back in to land. Have never been able to remember where or find it so may have had too much booze and dreamed it.

We on the aire next to Millau town...great approach on the Mountain road from the South.. A75 then D809.. you don't actually go over the bridge but as you spiral down you swing round and see amazing views of the town with the bridge to the left. Maja
Well I am completely out of touch, I always thought that one was a bit past Menton across the border in Italy!!

Dont think I would want to go over it but not sure, not that keen on heights like that. I am certain I went on a bridge somewhere on the west coast of France on the bike and it went up fairly high and out in the sea then curved back in to land. Have never been able to remember where or find it so may have had too much booze and dreamed it.

That sounds like the bridge running from Ile-de-Re to La Rochelle. Has got cycle and pedestrian lane alongside. Have biked it many times.

Stunning isn't it? I've had that on my bucket list for about a decade, since friends of mine visited around 10 years ago. One day... :dance:

Roquefort factory is a bit of a downer. Health and safety prevents you actually getting any where near the factory floor and you can buy the cheese cheaper in the local supermarket.

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