Midgie misery

women are more likely to be bothered by flys and be bitten by mossies than men,(a medical fact)

If thats the case, :confused:, why do they choose to set up camp on my baldy heed:eek::p:D, you dont see many baldy women:confused::p;):rolleyes:

the female body produces less hair just look at there t,,,s
may be you are envious and the idea just rubed off
unfortunatly off your head ho ho
no insult intended
the female body produces less hair just look at there t,,,s
may be you are envious and the idea just rubed off
unfortunatly off your head ho ho
no insult intended

LOL,:D non taken M8:p:D
I found the Skin So Soft was OK on Scottish midgielouts for about an hour but then it suddenly seemed to wear off and there was all-out mayhem and feasting - erg!:eek:

But at the Broom fishery near Annan, where a lot of the wee b's lurk, they sell an oil called Crocodile and it's excellent. I saw it on Skye too last year...it picks up where the Avon stuff leaves off. Time to stock up for this year, methinks - they were just starting this last week when I was in Galloway.

i've never heard of that stuff, u would give anything a try just to get rid of the wee b------s, they r a nitemare.. were do u get it from

The only solution that I know of is to stay away from the place in the summer.I,ve just been backpacking up in Knoydart and the little Ba*****s are well and truly at work on the west coast.
I did nt read the whole thread, so this may have been answered.

Citronella oil is great for keeping the flying/biting/blood sucking insects at bay. A few citronella candles around the campsite and they never seem to bother us. We have bottles with wicks into the oil and these work really well - God knows what it does to our carbon emissions!!

We also have a product called Aeroguard, which is applied or sprayed onto exposed skin and keeps the little buggers at bay for upto about 8 hours at a time. I am happy to take orders??

You can also up your intake of Vitamin B which somehow helps - must make us taste bad to the vampires.
i've never heard of that stuff, u would give anything a try just to get rid of the wee b------s, they r a nitemare.. were do u get it from

The two places I know are the chemist shop at Kyle of Lochalsh (just before you go over the Skye bridge) and the fishing shop at Broom Fishery, Newbie, near Annan. If ur headed to Scotland, the latter is only 15 mins west off the M74 - and there's good wild camping in that area too!;)

My experience of citronella is that it works for some midgies but others just love it - you can hear them slurping it off your skin! Must be a geographical thing!
The two places I know are the chemist shop at Kyle of Lochalsh (just before you go over the Skye bridge) and the fishing shop at Broom Fishery, Newbie, near Annan. If ur headed to Scotland, the latter is only 15 mins west off the M74 - and there's good wild camping in that area too!;)

My experience of citronella is that it works for some midgies but others just love it - you can hear them slurping it off your skin! Must be a geographical thing!

cheers for that, i stay in hamilton, a wee bit far out i'll need to try and get it closer..
on our recent trip to western scotland we also encounterd the midges in a previous post i sujested various things to deter the things
i was mistaken
as i had mixed up midges with mosquitos
midges are worse
i think the ultimate protection is a space suit
Thanks for all those posts. We are heading off the Scotland for 2 wks beginning of July. Last time we went many, many years ago hubby was biten to bits, so much so that we had to escape from Skye at 6am in the morning because things were so bad. Really concerned that we are going to have same problem this year but really want to use camper wilding around Scotland. HELP!! Do we abandon Scotland and try somewhere else. I had been advised to use AVON but not so sure now. Can't believe how much feedback this thread got - MORE CONFUSED THAN EVER NOW!!!:eek:
Decided to take the chance and try AVON. Just ordered 4 bottles @ £9.69 + £2.65 p+p (works out £3.08 each). Lets hope it works!! I will report back on my findings. Will it be :) or :(?? Hopeing to go to Hayfield so will bring along then!!

I ordered them through http://www.ei42.com/hackshop/ (then on ebay

Don't know if anyone has seen this but it is a way of doing your normal internet shopping at all the big names (like ebay) through your own site and then earning money. To find out more click the "Find Out More" link at the Top Right of the page.
This is my 1st purchase through site so I will see what extra money I get!!
Is new midge spray going to kill bees?

I just saw a spray can in Homebase that claims you can spray it on grass, bushes etc and it'll keep midges off for up to 8 hours. Wow, fantastic, I thought...grabbed can....

Then I read the small print...and there, at the bottom, it says that it can be lethal to bees. :eek:

I just read last week somewhere that our bees are in serious decline and that if they go, we go, cos 70% of our food crops need pollinating by bees. So maybe it's not such a great idea? :confused:

And if it kills bees, what does it do to spiders and hoverflies and butterflies and stuff? :confused:Can't remember the active ingredient but will go back and look again.

Anyone know whether this is a responsible solution or not?
A few years ago we where eaten by midges in Lappland. Went to the local pharmacy and ask the best repellent they had; bought it, used it, and yes it worked. :)
Then saw it was made in ............ Belgium !! :eek:(how a small country can be big). Overhere it is called "muggenmelk" (midges-milk :confused:)
(and yes beerdrinking could help also, but that's too expensive in these parts of the world :D)
far too many chemicals been used nowadays killing all and everything we actualy need all these so called bugs. top of my garden was left wild and i had grasshoppers and the like someone took over the allotment last year at the end of our garden and since he uses dam chemicals i see very few now, if you look up on the net there are lots of natural repellents for different so called bugs we only need to repell the dam things not use chemicals to kill every thing that flies or crawls
This is why I use, skin so soft as it is a cosmetic, made as a skin moisturiser, it just happens that midges steer well clear of it for some reason. At Hayfield the saturday party broke up as people were being attacked by midges, I did offer the skin so soft around but few takers. I only got a couple of bites on my leg, where I didnt use any. An added booster to the effiency of skin so soft, is a few drams of single malt:)........ thats when the midges really give you a wide berth.;)
i'm just back from a tour of the north west,and wee stopped at loch avich for a couple of day's.. the midge's were terrible. nothing worked ,skin so soft work's for ur skin yeh,but it doese'nt keep they wee ba-----s away. the only thing that works is a net,and gloves and a jacket... wee got ate alive....i really like midges , aye rite....
I'm with Hillwalker on this one. When the Scottish midge is out in force, nothing makes life bearable except the old midge hat. Skin so soft actually attracts the midges and posibly before they bite they have stuck to it, therefore the nuisance factor is still VERY evident.

Off to Kyle of Tongue in a few days.Already bitten by Cumbrian midges so it's not looking too good..... Hopefully, if we can get our boat out on the water we'll leave the pests back on shore.
I'm with Hillwalker on this one. When the Scottish midge is out in force, nothing makes life bearable except the old midge hat. Skin so soft actually attracts the midges and posibly before they bite they have stuck to it, therefore the nuisance factor is still VERY evident.

Off to Kyle of Tongue in a few days.Already bitten by Cumbrian midges so it's not looking too good..... Hopefully, if we can get our boat out on the water we'll leave the pests back on shore.

Why not trade your boat in for a small submarine:eek::D;)

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