Mice in the motorhome

Don`t go bringing any of them foreign ( Scottish ) mouses back over the border the Englandshire :scared:
The traps are set...

Let us see who is the smartest Mr Mouse waaa haaa haaa haaa
In the days when I used to leave my MH in store, I always tried to remove any accesssible food. I may have left the odd tin of tuna but one year I left these sachets on the dash! DSC_0003_8.jpg
The traps are set...

Let us see who is the smartest Mr Mouse waaa haaa haaa haaa

Save any metal biscuit or sweet tins to save some dry food in,

the bu@@ers can't chew through metal.

The traps are set...

Let us see who is the smartest Mr Mouse waaa haaa haaa haaa

remember to clean and bleach drawers and work surfaces etc thoroughly...as well as leaving their droppings which are visible they will have P,,D everywhere too and you wont be able to see that...tehy could have also had a root around pans and utensils.

also check in your bedding....nice warm spot for them to hide......goodluck.
remember to clean and bleach drawers and work surfaces etc thoroughly...as well as leaving their droppings which are visible they will have P,,D everywhere too and you wont be able to see that...tehy could have also had a root around pans and utensils.

also check in your bedding....nice warm spot for them to hide......goodluck.

Very true,

Weil's disease is a severe form of leptospirosis. This is a type of bacterial infection. It's caused by Leptospira bacteria. You can contract it if you come into contact with the urine, blood, or tissue of animals or rodents that are infected with the bacteria.

A mouse lived in a hymer from old Bimingham
A hymer with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin
He sang every morning how lucky I am
Munching on pot noodle in this great big van

I saw a mouse
There on the stair
Where on the stair
Right there
A little mouse with clogs on
Well I declare
Going clip clipety clip on the stairs
A mouse lived in a hymer from old Bimingham
A hymer with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin
He sang every morning how lucky I am
Munching on pot noodle in this great big van

I saw a mouse
There on the stair
Where on the stair
Right there
A little mouse with clogs on
Well I declare
Going clip clipety clip on the stairs

6 traps out, 3 in each vehicle - will report on the harvest tomorrow ......
i bought Big Cheese ready baited traps, and i have a tube of their bait. worked well last time
I reckon they are imported mice from Englandshire, oor mice don't do pot noodle, unless done in batter. :p

You want to break away from England yet you deny these poor Mice the same freedom. :(

Shame on you Terry, take them in and offer them sustenance ..... and a Council House. :)
Just shows a mouse knows a nice motorhome, the mouse has taste, who can blame them, on there winter holiday touring round scotland in a braw motorhome, to a mouse
A mouse lived in a hymer from old Bimingham
A hymer with a mouse in and he wasn't grousin
He sang every morning how lucky I am
Munching on pot noodle in this great big van

I saw a mouse
There on the stair
Where on the stair
Right there
A little mouse with clogs on
Well I declare
Going clip clipety clip on the stairs

Your all heart girl.:heart::heart::heart:

BTW, how near are you parked to Phil?;););)
In the days when I used to leave my MH in store, I always tried to remove any accesssible food. I may have left the odd tin of tuna but one year I left these sachets on the dash!View attachment 59466

As there is a bulb on dash i suspect they did a night raid.:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:but never found the battery isolator switch to get it all working.:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:
The traps are set...

Let us see who is the smartest Mr Mouse waaa haaa haaa haaa

It might have just popped in for a bite to eat and then left to go back to its nest, but now if you don't catch one you will never know for sure. Muhahaha squeak.
Last night I could hear a rustling in the kitchen drawer, guess what?

I have pot noodles and super noddles all with holes in and plenty of little brown presents from the visitor.

I have thrown away all the dry foods.

Next steps?

You need to inform the authorities straight away.
Rustling is a very serious offence in Scotland!

(with capital punishment for mice, I believe) :)
I find that smearing peanut butter onto the trap works well as a bait they appear attracted to it and as a bonus it takes a bit of work to eat it meaning that they invariably set the trap off. Good lluck

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