Mice in the motorhome

Copied from another Forum PESKY MICE

put a posting on the forum a few days back saying I'd got a diesel leak from the tank which I'd assumed was because I had overfilled. I filled up again after a short trip and made sure I stopped at the first click but again more fuel coming from the tank top.

I rang my local Fiat professional dealer who also does my servicing and asked them to have a look. He was sure it would be a loose pipe on top of the tank but, no problem there. So, he had to pump all the fuel out and drop the tank and that's when he found a hole in the top where diesel heater take off would go, if one was fitted. He said, it was a mouse that had chewed the plastic and on further investigation found two dead bodies in the air filter and they had chewed a lot of the filter before their demise so he had to replace that as well. He explained that's a favourite place for them during the winter and said, once they get in they have difficulty getting out again. He took photo's whilst doing the job to show me.

Anyhow total bill including filter and VAT was £313 which I guess is not too bad..

Need to use some good repellent under the bonnet and inside the van during the winter months!!!! So not just inside the van then !!!!

AND a follow up post from another poster on the subject

As posted many times, if you've had mice in the inlet then check right up to the air mass sensor, a lesson that cost me well over £1000 to learn.
p.s. I now have a grill over inlet and as we have three vans in the 'van shed' gf's sister baits and traps on an industrial scale.
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We never did hear how Phil got on!:sad:

Guess what he had for tea Mouseburger.jpg
I'm confused. The last two posts have been put on in the future. It's 15.08 in real time.
We have a Hyundai i10 we sometimes tow behind the van. Last week HID went to Tesco's and came back to say the car won't idle below 3000rpm. I had a look under the bonnet after searching for the catch and found mice had chewed through the insulation and made a big hole in the rocker cover breather hose allowing air in and causing the engine to rev. Little blighters....cost £85 to get it fixed. Hopefully they won't like the motorhome.
At my last house, we had a mouse problem. It turned out that they were nesting in some foam rubber, stuffed down the side of the freezer to stop it humming.

Their nest was less than a foot from the cats' food bowl. I suspect that they mostly fed on cat food.
That's interesting. Occasionally have mice (the cat brings them in and lets them go!) and we see her crouching in front of the fridge-freezer when this happens - maybe they (the mice) have a thing about fridges and freezers?
That's interesting. Occasionally have mice (the cat brings them in and lets them go!) and we see her crouching in front of the fridge-freezer when this happens - maybe they (the mice) have a thing about fridges and freezers?
Yes they like the warmth of the compressor
If your connected to mains there’s a electric plug device that makes a noise that makes mice rats and insects pack there bags and leave no dead body’s bad smells and dead things to Handel eBay or good hardware shops also we cannot hear this noise 🤗
If your connected to mains there’s a electric plug device that makes a noise that makes mice rats and insects pack there bags and leave no dead body’s bad smells and dead things to Handel eBay or good hardware shops also we cannot hear this noise 🤗

Hmmm. I have one of those - good for spiders too it says. shame it is always covered in cobwebs!
Contact Channa

I am sure one of his reptiles can be hired to solve the problem !
That's interesting. Occasionally have mice (the cat brings them in and lets them go!) and we see her crouching in front of the fridge-freezer when this happens - maybe they (the mice) have a thing about fridges and freezers?

Its a game they play called fridge ADARE.:lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:

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