met the most rudest man today, also thanks to BPE

*outrageous stereotype alert*
When it comes to 'oop north' most Southerners are like Americans: They've heard of Canada but they're not quite sure where it is.
*outrageous stereotype alert*
When it comes to 'oop north' most Southerners are like Americans: They've heard of Canada but they're not quite sure where it is.

I havent stereo typed anybody, this has started from a member being rude about my post, TBH Mastodon, i dont really care, there seems to be a select few on here that just cant help being rude, its in their nature, i know who i like to talk too and who are lovely genuine caring kind people, and none of them are from the South, thats just my experience, i have always found Southerners stuck up lol,
I havent stereo typed anybody, this has started from a member being rude about my post, TBH Mastodon, i dont really care, there seems to be a select few on here that just cant help being rude, its in their nature, i know who i like to talk too and who are lovely genuine caring kind people, and none of them are from the South, thats just my experience, i have always found Southerners stuck up lol,

That's me doing the stereotyping :lol-053: There's good and bad everywhere ( some of my youth was spent in Mixenden) though population density does seem to change folks' attitudes and perceptions. This is why I escape to the wild as often as possible. I have a badge which says 'The more people I meet, the more I like my dog'
i know who i like to talk too and who are lovely genuine caring kind people, and none of them are from the South, thats just my experience, i have always found Southerners stuck up lol,

Well, at least I know what you really think of me now Jen .... thanks :scared:
As a Suvverner, I must agree with your statement about 'the further north you go ...' as I found peeps in Edinburgh really friendly. A bus driver pulled over to ask us if we needed help in finding our way (must have really had the tourist look about us), he had a bus load of passengers, no one complained and he pointed us in the right direction. Nice people up here.:bow:
"From Hell, Hull and Halifax, good Lord deliver us"

... and women with the painters in... :danger:

Would be interesting to know where that quote came from: I spent the majority of my adult life with a man whom comes from Hull, and a relation was the MP for Halifax for a number of years!!! I've spent an awful lot of time in Hull over the years and got to know if pretty well (good and bad sides): sort of miss it now the ex father in law has moved down to London. However, have never really seen Halifax (though spent a lot of time in Huddersfield down the road, where I met the ex!): keep meaning to go and explore since it seems to have come up in the world these days!
Well, at least I know what you really think of me now Jen .... thanks :scared:
As a Suvverner, I must agree with your statement about 'the further north you go ...' as I found peeps in Edinburgh really friendly. A bus driver pulled over to ask us if we needed help in finding our way (must have really had the tourist look about us), he had a bus load of passengers, no one complained and he pointed us in the right direction. Nice people up here.:bow:

I will stand corrected, i forgot about you Dave, your ok, i guess, lol, awwwww, sorry pal. Yeah when me and Ants were there last year everyone was so nice, also in Northumberland, all my experiences have been really good.

Jen xx
I havent stereo typed anybody, this has started from a member being rude about my post, TBH Mastodon, i dont really care, there seems to be a select few on here that just cant help being rude, its in their nature, i know who i like to talk too and who are lovely genuine caring kind people, and none of them are from the South, thats just my experience, i have always found Southerners stuck up lol,

Well thanks Jen: like Beemer I also know what you think of me now:hammer:
Can't help where I was born I'm afraid (NB I have chosen to spend all of my life bar one year working down in London since the age of 17 in the North or the Midlands, though ;-)). And Firefox is a very decent genuine caring kind person too, IMHO :)
I havent stereo typed anybody, this has started from a member being rude about my post, TBH Mastodon, i dont really care, there seems to be a select few on here that just cant help being rude, its in their nature, i know who i like to talk too and who are lovely genuine caring kind people, and none of them are from the South, thats just my experience, i have always found Southerners stuck up lol,

" i haven't stereotyped anybody,but southerners are stuck up". no wonder people are leaving this site!
Would be interesting to know where that quote came from: I spent the majority of my adult life with a man whom comes from Hull, and a relation was the MP for Halifax for a number of years!!! I've spent an awful lot of time in Hull over the years and got to know if pretty well (good and bad sides): sort of miss it now the ex father in law has moved down to London. However, have never really seen Halifax (though spent a lot of time in Huddersfield down the road, where I met the ex!): keep meaning to go and explore since it seems to have come up in the world these days!

Difficult to be sure but the explanation I've seen that makes most sense is that it is a 17th century prayer of thieves - Hull had a notorious jail, Halifax was where they were hanged on the gibbet and Hell - well, that speaks for itself! Could just be because of the colour of the telephone boxes though!
If you will allow a contribution from a nice young(ish) Westcountry boy who has made a bit of a study of this..........
I've worked and travelled all over the British Isles and have found (as already said) that you get nice and not so nice wherever you go. I've been to Halifax, Huddersfield, Hull and Hell (in the form of the fury of a woman scorned:scared:). There were idiots and ignoramuses, friendly and happy people in those places.
Some say that city folk are unfriendly and while this may be true of the majority of people who live in London it's not all of them, Glasgow people however, are the most friendly that I have ever met...anywhere. The "Glasgow kiss" though, isn't an urban myth!
Many people in the home counties will not speak to a stranger without being formally introduced by a third party whereas most of those who live "oop north" are happy to enter into a conversation initiated by someone they don't know, I've found. The same is true of Westcountry folk and they live "daan saaf". I do not think that this is merely geographical.
My opinion is that it's all down to the stress of modern living. If you absorb the constant bombardment of the expectation of how you should live your life on the never never, commercial greed shouting at you to buy all their stuff that you can't do without and "must have" (and boy, are you ever dissapointed when you get it out of the packet!), the negativity and fear pedalled by the mass media and repeated by your friends and family then you are slowly going to turn into a confused and negative person and therefore a sullen old git just like the one encountered by Jen in the bank queue.
I'm from oop north but I like southern fried chicken....I'm confused
Well thanks Jen: like Beemer I also know what you think of me now:hammer:
Can't help where I was born I'm afraid (NB I have chosen to spend all of my life bar one year working down in London since the age of 17 in the North or the Midlands, though ;-)). And Firefox is a very decent genuine caring kind person too, IMHO :)

OOOOOOps lol, sorry hun, yep both are you are fab folk xx
" i haven't stereotyped anybody,but southerners are stuck up". no wonder people are leaving this site!

if you read it properly, i said "i have found", this means me, my personal experience, where does it say, all Southerners are stuck up? and if you read all of the thread you will see that a Southerner by the name of Wintonion made the steroetypical comments about Northerners.
To lighten things up,:wave: What about us Midlanders:lol-049: We have to put up wth both of you:cry::cry::have fun::wacko::juggle::banana::cool1::rockroll::lol-049::beer:

*****, ey up duck, I'm in Stoke too :wave:

Great to see another member from Stoke on here, we could be neighbours and don't even know it, lol.
is there need to get personal? What happened to healthy discussion??
this site is getting out of order now.
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is there need to get personal? What happened to healthy discussion??
this site is getting out of order now.

A bit of banter is OK, but some people seem to be going beyond this, and getting personal. I hate the way you start off reading a thread, and enjoying it, then suddenly it turns into a witch hunt.

I feel really sorry for PHIL, as he's posted about this, and it's STILL going on!! AND I bet his emails take HOURS to read now with all the complaints.
is there need to get personal? What happened to healthy discussion??
this site is getting out of order now.

Hi Lotty

Thanks for your support, but your wasting your time, people like that are very blinkered and will just carry on, see thing is Lorraine, i think they are very frustrated old people who arnt getting any, so they have to take their sexual frustrations out on forums, must help them cope with day to day life better, they travel around from place to place, probably looking for somewhere to fit in and like to brag that they are well travelled, :lol-053:, never really having the opportunity to adjust into a communtiy, i kinda feel sorry for them really, i have had some lovely PM's which restores my faith in human nature. I think its quite sad really that someone feels the need to look over my posts, bizzare, each to their own. Thes nowt as funny as folk, as they se in good ol Yorkshire

Well oiled Jen xx:
A bit of banter is OK, but some people seem to be going beyond this, and getting personal. I hate the way you start off reading a thread, and enjoying it, then suddenly it turns into a witch hunt.

I feel really sorry for PHIL, as he's posted about this, and it's STILL going on!! AND I bet his emails take HOURS to read now with all the complaints.

Hi Mary

I feel sorry for Phil too, i only wanted to share my Halifax experience and you get the usual spoiling it, hope you and hubbs are both well

Jen xx
It might also be better to let this thread die to save Phil the bother:sad::sad:

It would but while ever people are insulting then i feel you have a right to defend oneself, its getting like the good old days innit ***** xx
Hi Mary

I feel sorry for Phil too, i only wanted to share my Halifax experience and you get the usual spoiling it, hope you and hubbs are both well

Jen xx

Hi Jen,

We are both well, thanks! Had a wildcamp at Widemouth Bay last weekend, and really enjoyed watching the waves rolling in. ( Widemouth Bay 17 Nov 11 - YouTube - Derek is smiling, for once, maybe because he isn't reading the threads on here??) Grumpy2 was there as well, and for a time we had a friend of his as well, must have looked like a gather!!)

Am I reading it wrong or have some people taken it that your 'orrible experience was in HALIFAX, rather than the Halifax BANK??

While I was reading one of the more argumentative threads, I noticed a guest was reading it too - what must he/she think of us?? You used to see threads saying how friendly and helpful the site was; hope it gets back that way asap!!

Mary x x

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