Thanks Rob about getting out but the garden won.
Trying to come to terms to my hours going up to 37 from 32.5 (+++ the rest) in sept
and only going to be paid 45 weeks instead of 52 making in my reconing £190 a month worst off.
Work for local authority and Nursery Nurses terms and conditions are changing and YES THEY can do this.
The good news I retire next Nov 2010 and our pay will be capped to march 2010
but it is still annoying.
Good job my mortgage is finished
Going to have another glass or 3
and watch britians got tallent to cheer me up.
Having a me weekend
enjoy yourselves whereever you end up.
I am looking forward to next weekend.
Been thinking about washing the roof of the van tommorrow then taking her to have the sides washed only I can't reach

and my neighbours seem to think I am an independent woman so do not offer help