MALIL attack

Having recently returned to cycling, a lot of the cameras are to record the ride, in this neck of the woods climbing Holme Moss is an achievement, people wish to record, assessing gear changes etc when climbing , sometimes people record quite frankly idiotic driving ....conclusion is there are idiots using all sorts of modus operandi.

Interesting how there are so many references to cycles being slow moving traffic, only today I came across a " strava" record where a chap had done over 20 miles and recorded a 23 mph average speed..... I would imagine that has average speeds go, other motorised users are not that much quicker. I can get home from work faster on the cycle than I can in a car !!! only 6 miles too.

The route in the main is on one of the greenways, part of the sustrans network, a fantastic way of unwinding after a days toil. The roads quite frankly vibrate your teeth out, so there is little attraction there.

One hill I descend, I hit 32 mph on Friday, However this was done seeing there were no pedestrians kids folk walking dogs etc .....Cyclists seem to have a problem with dog walkers.

The last few days I have seen posts here intolerant of religion, peoples ethnic origin, ( seemed to have moved on from gypsies) and now other road users. Quite frankly I am amazed Phil hasn't pulled the plug. Of course the irony is the next post is bleating how unfair councils etc are towards motorhomes and the notion of wildcamping.

Some of you need to take a very long and hard look in the mirror ?

The reality is that all groups have idiots, there are idiot cyclists as described here, there are idiot motorhomers who upset residents thus getting other motrohomes banned, and there are idiot car drivers two of which have tried to kill me whilst on my bike and one who tried to write off my van.

If you don't like prejudice against motorhomes then do not display prejudice against others.

Woohoo. +1

trouble is a MH forum is MH biased, a biking Forum is well, obvious innit !

BTW for others I'm actually surprised the T word is allowed. Has anybody googled it's common derogatory meaning. Lovely polite tolerance on here ... innit, not!

RULES ... :)

Derogatory Terms

If you use any terms in an offensive context against a person, race, culture, group or organization, as determined by our moderators, you are in violation of this rule.

Please note that words carry different meanings in different cultures, and that while a word may be acceptable use in one part of the world, it may not be in another. In addition, any one can invent their own derogatory terms, unfortunately. Because of those factors, we will evaluate the context in which the term was used to determine whether a violation has occurred.
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The last few days I have seen posts here intolerant of religion, peoples ethnic origin, ( seemed to have moved on from gypsies) and now other road users. Quite frankly I am amazed Phil hasn't pulled the plug. Of course the irony is the next post is bleating how unfair councils etc are towards motorhomes and the notion of wildcamping.

Some of you need to take a very long and hard look in the mirror ?


That's funny. I've been on here some nine months and I've noticed that there are always posts intolerant of religion, people's ethnic origin etc!
Nothing changes......
That's funny. I've been on here some nine months and I've noticed that there are always posts intolerant of religion, people's ethnic origin etc!
Nothing changes......

Well John , here slightly longer than nine months, and whilst there has always been the occasional intolerances, recently it has become more prolific. In my humble opinion. The forum has certainly shifted from what it was, but then with more members that and perhaps the complexion changes too

Just a few hours ago we drove over Mont Ventoux in our motorhome. As was to be expected there were a lot, and I mean hundreds, of cyclists ascending and descending the summit. The road is narrow with plenty of tight bends and switchbacks and in France you are obliged when overtaking cyclists to not come closer to them than 1.5 metres. All the motorists observed this rule and if it meant slowing to almost a standstill before overtaking then so be it. Nobody seemed stressed, even when we came across the odd mini peleton.
Just saying.
Just a few hours ago we drove over Mont Ventoux in our motorhome. As was to be expected there were a lot, and I mean hundreds, of cyclists ascending and descending the summit. The road is narrow with plenty of tight bends and switchbacks and in France you are obliged when overtaking cyclists to not come closer to them than 1.5 metres. All the motorists observed this rule and if it meant slowing to almost a standstill before overtaking then so be it. Nobody seemed stressed, even when we came across the odd mini peleton.
Just saying.

Well Mont Ventoux is the holy grail doubts on that one, ( tired just thinking about it ). I remember in France being considerably slowed down by a road race close to the Paul Ricard circuit ( I actually cant remember where I was ).

Interestingly with Ravensthorpe CC you are obliged to take insurance if you want to ride with the club, it equates to £15 a year and tbh I havent investigated what it covers . But does pour a little water on the fact cyclists arent insured, it seems a lot are , we just need to see for what I shall report.

Certainly the tolerance in France for cyclists is far greater than the Uk , the same could be said of Italy and Spain too. That also extends to motorcyclists I think in the case of France.

I remember when I was in the pyreenees Tourmalet and the other cols were full of cyclists, and I pretty much experienced what you describe. My Fiat Duck a toe protesting if in third when 2nd was more appropriate. It actually gives a reflection of the steepness the 2.8 jtd being quite a forgiving engine... col = cyclist.

There are races in the UK and more often time trials which may explain the undesirable riding antics of some riders. However it doesnt seem that the Police are interested policing ( understandably other things to do ) and a privateer in a car like you get in France seems to be either illegal or probably classed as pacemaking so insurance issues.

When it comes to other road users, I am amazed that a schoolgirl can ride a horse on the roads no licence or demonstration of understanding the highway code. Furthermore unlike other transport the Horse actually has a mind of its own ,and god knows what they are spooked by !!!

Far from a criticism as it happens albeit I have reservations re the sensibility. As A licence holder, the onus is on me to ensure safe conduct. Unfair ? perhaps, but thats how it is.

Well Mont Ventoux is the holy grail doubts on that one, ( tired just thinking about it ). I remember in France being considerably slowed down by a road race close to the Paul Ricard circuit ( I actually cant remember where I was ).

Certainly the tolerance in France for cyclists is far greater than the Uk , the same could be said of Italy and Spain too. That also extends to motorcyclists I think in the case of France.

I remember when I was in the pyreenees Tourmalet and the other cols were full of cyclists, and I pretty much experienced what you describe. My Fiat Duck a toe protesting if in third when 2nd was more appropriate. It actually gives a reflection of the steepness the 2.8 jtd being quite a forgiving engine... col = cyclist.


Hi Channa,
I've edited your post a bit, hope you don't mind. It was a fantastic drive today, we set off from Sault - 26 kilometres to the summit - and after about six or seven kilometres it's 10%!! I have nothing but admiration for the folks going up there today. It was blisteringly hot, even at the summit with the Mistral blowing but those boys and girls had more stamina, strength and sheer will power and guts than I'll ever have. I have so much admiration for them. It's true, as you say, there's a different attitude toward cyclists and motorcyclists in France, Spain and Italy, probably because there are so many more of them!! Especially in Italy where scooters boss the middle of the road.
MAMIL my arse.
The reality is that all groups have idiots, there are idiot cyclists as described here, there are idiot motorhomers who upset residents thus getting other motrohomes banned, and there are idiot car drivers two of which have tried to kill me whilst on my bike and one who tried to write off my van.

If you don't like prejudice against motorhomes then do not display prejudice against others.

Message to Phil: could we please have this phrase emblazoned across the top of the forum header?

Do cyclists Race on the public highway? I was not aware any form of racing was permitted on public highways, unless closed to the public for the event.
Do cyclists Race on the public highway? I was not aware any form of racing was permitted on public highways, unless closed to the public for the event.
Don't be so fickle!...a time trial is against the clock but of course no one is racing. legal pedantics aside better marshalling would support everyone. By the way have you seen those signs that say no camping ? .better still no "overnight sleeping " what does overnight mean ?
I've been cycling on road since I was twelve years old, that was 50+ decades ago and I'm still cycling regularly now. To be honest some of the attitudes, prejudices, against cyclists shown in these threads is down right scary. It just proves that my recent thought that psychological profilng should be included in the driving test, to eliminate psychopaths from our roads, is correct. Having said that, I have to admit I rarely meet inconsiderate drivers when I'm out cycling and I reciprocate by doing my best not to impede their progress on the road, that's probably why we get on so well. As for third party insurance all members of the CTC get third party cover plus the services of a specialist legal team in the event they are involved in collision, so, if your a cyclist join the CTC. Also, Mountain Bikers, ask any Rambler what they think of them, I do a lot of off road walking too. LOL When i'm out driving I do see the cyclists who seem to deliberately try to wind drivers up, riding too far out, not pulling over to allow vehicles past, no hand signals, dressed in hard to see coloured clothing, etc.. I did try a pair of those lycra shorts but they left my testicles looking as if they'd been through a mangle, I only wore them the once. LOL
Don't be so fickle!...a time trial is against the clock but of course no one is racing. legal pedantics aside better marshalling would support everyone. By the way have you seen those signs that say no camping ? .better still no "overnight sleeping " what does overnight mean ?

After expressing sadness at the amount of intolerance the above seems a tad sharp. I'm not aware of yeoblades previous posts and the affections or loyalties expressed, was being "fickle" really what you wanted to accuse him of?

Having come across a few bicycle "races" on Sundays in Shropshire I'm unsure but was aware something was allowed. I could only find two references to cycle racing The Cycling Lawyer: Road Racing in England and Bikes with bell attached law to be scrapped after DfT Red Tape Challenge | So am I just coming up against time trials or against actual races. Not to say that time trials are entirely benign the TT is a time trial as us the North West 200 and I'd not like to come across either of those in the road.
After expressing sadness at the amount of intolerance the above seems a tad sharp. I'm not aware of yeoblades previous posts and the affections or loyalties expressed, was being "fickle" really what you wanted to accuse him of?

Having come across a few bicycle "races" on Sundays in Shropshire I'm unsure but was aware something was allowed. I could only find two references to cycle racing The Cycling Lawyer: Road Racing in England and Bikes with bell attached law to be scrapped after DfT Red Tape Challenge | So am I just coming up against time trials or against actual races. Not to say that time trials are entirely benign the TT is a time trial as us the North West 200 and I'd not like to come across either of those in the road.
written with a hint of sarcasm, nothing personal against Yeoblade at all. I suppose anything which is against the clock could be construed as racing ?

I dont know enough about it ,but my perception is cyclists and others groups use the terminology to get around rules. no different to wild campers intepretation of no overnight camping choosing to argue they are parked not camping.

Oh, it's racing alright, what ever you call it. Get a group of reasonably fit blokes together, it's always going to end up a race. I know, I used to be one, lol.
Oh, it's racing alright, what ever you call it. Get a group of reasonably fit blokes together, it's always going to end up a race. I know, I used to be one, lol.
Time trial in the morning then the club run after. Which was just an unofficial road race.
No, it's not a single carriageway. The passing car was on my side of the road. It's a fairly busy and winding, rural road and the cyclists usually ride 4 to 5 abreast with no thought at all for other road users. There can be as many as 50 of them racing this road at any one time. An accident waiting to happen if one doesn't know what to expect. Although on this occaion, I feel the car driver was at fault, I still pass some of the blame onto the cyclists, for riding so many abreast. It's not as if they can't hear traffic coming up behind them and had they moved into single file earlier, the car driver would have been able to pass safely.[/QUOTE

Wow how lucky you are to have roads that wide. I have never seen cyclysts 5 abreast,or even 4 abreast except on closed roads

That's the whole point!...rural roads in Devon are not that wide...come drive to work with me on any Saturday or Sunday morning...I am used to it, so drive with care...I am simply pointing out that some car drivers have no tolerance of cyclists and some cyclists have no regard for car drivers...and I was the one whose safety was put at risk!...why does everyone have to get so het up and sarcastic over a simple observation?...chill please...enjoy the journey...end of...
I suppose it depends on which head I have on as to who are the villains.... whilst with cycling and motorcycling head on: car drivers are 'cagers', with the 'cager' head on it's wimmin drivers (oops! did I say that out loud) :p and with the motorhome head on it's: "coming through, ready or not!" (just kiddin), cos it's "bleedin car drivers" pulling in front of me on the motorway and slamming the brakes on to take the next exit! Usually I shout "medic!" (if family on board, to avoid harsher words) whilst going down the gears, trying to scrub off some speed, or frantically checking the mirrors to see if I can 'safely' overtake the perp.
Doesn't really matter what head I've got on, they are all just hazards to me, or perhaps obstacles that one day I may choose not to avoid. ;) . As has been said many times by many, no one type of road user is exempt from idiots. As experienced road users, it's not exactly rocket surgery to recognise the numpties.

Saying that, London has become a bit of a free for all as far as cyclist are concerned. Partly to do with the widespread 20MPH limit. Still, I really can't be bothered with the paperwork, it's just easier to let them live. :p

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