Dear John,
You certainly trew a stick in the hen-house.

A few comments / suggestions/ remarks (
quote in )
The French example is at sites generally but not exclusively on Peage which are private financed highways as Im sure you will be aware.
This is not true. There are only a dozen ‘aires’ on péages, but more than 2000 ! in cities, villages…. Most of them free, or at mimimmal cost (up to 5 €) on municipal parking lots or public terrain.
Whilst the sites can accommodate motorhomes they are locked after 7:00pm and on Sundays: this is to discourage anti -soccial behaviour or accommodation by gypsys and travellers at times when the sites are not manned. We have planning permission only to open the sites during restricted hours
Again have a look at France: in some areas they also have the nuissance of ‘gypsies’ (and I think more than in the UK) the simply solved this: or put a ‘max 48h’ or ‘reserved for (tourist) motorhomes only’ at the entrance
Unfortunately such facilities have been used at times by irresponsible persons and we have received complaints of unacceptable littering or them being used as toilet facilities which the Council then has to expend resource to address from ther public purse.
A motorhomer is selfsuporting: doesn’t need public loo’s, only a simple water tap, and conviennances for grey-water and black-water disposal are enough. A tap isn’t that costly !
A hint: most paying ‘aires’ charge 2€ for 120 l of water (coins, tokens, banccard). And a dust-bin could either be a problem
You have suggested there is an economic benefit to the County through such provision, but equally there is an economic cost that must be borne. Capital funding would need to be provided for construction of buildings and continued revenue funding would need to be provided for maintenance of such facilities. Such funding would not be unsubstantial and would be difficult to identify in the current climat e of public spending cuts.
No buildings needed, at the most a parking-meter, if there are WC's let them and provide a tap. In general no extra funds are needed to convert a (part of) a public parking into a MH-overnight.
German studies states that for every MH overnighting there is a revenue of at less 35 € for the local community (errands, petrol, pub, restaurant, musea….)
Moreover: the majority of the MH public are well done senior law-abiding citizens.(no hooligans, or boy-racers)
To broaden the local authorities horizons on the subject, have a look on varoius motorhome-sites on the continent: France, Germany, Italy ….
Le aree di sosta camper, i camper service e i punti sosta per i turisti pleinair? Su!
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