I read that with interest. The problem is, I'm doing music (of sorts - some imagination is needed here...) videos with up to 5 video tracks, 1 or 2 effect tracks and 1 music track (mixed separately from up to 8 tracks then imported into the video program). Although the videos are only 2-3 minutes long, it isn't possible to split the chunks down any further because the various tracks overlap and interweave. The rendering itself is OK but the 'puter creaks and groans through the compilation stage. Wth some packages I can't even view a preview screen and I'm editing with a ... plastic ruler in fractions of milimeters!!
AJ - I think you probably have a higher-spec set-up than mine and presumably a 64-bit system. As you seem to have replaced all/most of your hardware (and drivers?), have you tried loading a different version of Windows? Or even just from a different installation disk. Something sounds corrupt somewhere...
Hi Roo
If you are doing such complex mixing I would say you need a profesional machine, still if you can get yourself a large independant harddrive and dedicate it to your editing software from install and keep your work on it you will find it makes a big difference if you can get a good hardrive with a very large on board cache they can take the presure off of the cpu and ram during rendering
Your hardware drivers are most certainly the issue.
Assuming you have visited all the manufactures websites and updated the drivers to the very latest versions for your hardware including the motherboard then :-
I would get a cheap and chearful video card that requires no special drivers and remove your expensive video card, then run the machine without the expensive card. If the problem goes away you have found the culprit. If its not that then work your way through each piece of hardware until you find the culprit. My money would be the video card drivers you have are not compatible with the motherboard.
I would not upgrade the OS yet to windows7 as you might be introducing new issues.
Again assuming you have a legal copy of XP then I would not expect that to be an issue, just ensure you have done all the microsoft updates.
You should never need to reinstall XP unless you are a fiddler who can't fix what you break
I develop on my machines and mess heavilly with low level commands in the o/s and the worst I have to do is stick in XP disk once every 6 months and do a repair where I overwrite the O/S, reinstalling does work but its a bit like taking your MH to the garage for a new engine to be fitted when all you needed was the oil topping up.
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