Irish Ferries


Full Member
We went to France with Irish Ferries extremely cheaply (£100). Excellent ship and staff. We came back with Irish Ferries booking 2 days before we came back 108 euros. So far our experience has been good with them. ( Surprised that we didn't have to man the oars!)
We normally go Newhaven Dieppe but there was a £200 difference.
Sorry , I should have said. We went Dover Calais and we didn't have to do an API like DFDS.
I didn’t know Irish Ferries operated out from any of the channel ports.
If you worked in civil service, local authorities and similar, your union membership may have come with a ‘Membership Plus’ discount card. This will get you 10% off both Irish Sea GB to Ireland crossings and equally 10% off Dover Calais.
I am in N. Ireland and use it regularly on Dublin/Cherbourg were again 10% is available, although this drops to 5% during June to August.

If you worked in civil service, local authorities and similar, your union membership may have come with a ‘Membership Plus’ discount card. This will get you 10% off both Irish Sea GB to Ireland crossings and equally 10% off Dover Calais.
I am in N. Ireland and use it regularly on Dublin/Cherbourg were again 10% is available, although this drops to 5% during June to August.


I like the irony ;):cool:😁
Ok API ?
So far I've got application programmed interface and American petroleum institute.
Nowt to do with ferry bookings or have they ?
Thanks for that . I have travelled with DFDS several times and never been asked for this .
Is it new ?
We've been doing API on long haul flights for many many years.

I don't know when it started for EU.
We've been doing API on long haul flights for many many years.

I don't know when it started for EU.
Yes flights/ferries would , I suppose , come under same rules .
Just never experienced it for ferries
We've had to provide API last couple of years,travelling from Hull to Rotterdam
We have been using Irish ferries for the past few years Dover - Calais and have to give all the necessary details when you book your tickets so no API needed
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We went to France with Irish Ferries extremely cheaply (£100). Excellent ship and staff. We came back with Irish Ferries booking 2 days before we came back 108 euros. So far our experience has been good with them. ( Surprised that we didn't have to man the oars!)
We normally go Newhaven Dieppe but there was a £200 difference.
Irish Ferries did a fire and rehire just like P&O
Irish Ferries did a fire and rehire just like P&O
Wasn't aware of that
They've certainly just announced some kind of arrangement with P&O
The way I read it you could book Irish ferries but , possibly , end up on P&O .
Think I'll be swerving them in the future
The Tunnel always asks for API but from memory I think if you have an account , it stores your info for you so it's easier to do.

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