Ireland visit - internet & mobile phone connectivity

Avoiding the obvious joke, I asume they are red Ginge

If so you'll be fine

🙄 😁

Yes, they are.

I would also recommend Lebara as a couple of others have. If you want to use for calls it has roaming in EU which includes calls back to UK or within the country you are in included in the plan for no additional cost.
I would second the recommendation of marchie for Lebara. The carrier is vodaphone in the U.K. you can use up to 30gb per month in EU.

Look at U switch for deals, I got my 30gb package for £7 per month with the first 3 months at £3.50 ish. The added benefit is that it is a 30 day contract, so could be ditched on your return to GB.
Bear in mind you will also get up to 12gb on your existing sim to use.

Or call in to a phone shop or supermarket when you get to the Republic. NOT N. Ireland or you would end up with a U.K. sim.

P.s. just looked at Uswitch. You can get the 30gb for £7.95 with first 3 months at £2.39 per month.

Yes I too have the Lebara Uswitch deal, two years now and £7.95 is unbeatable. It uses the Vodaphone network which i find the best particularly in the west of ireland. You can use your phone data as a hotspot to piggyback from whilst using your other devices like the ipad too.