I sure is happy - New Van

Must admit I would have something a bit bigger if I have the confidence to drive it. :wave:

But that's it, it IS just a matter of confidence - in other words it is all in the mind. If you decide you can drive it, it will be no problem. Mrs Smaug used to drive our coach built LWB Transit Landliner when the kids were little, but now (30 years on) she no longer wants to try driving our current van which is only 10" wider & 3' longer.
that WAS quick ! congrats ! there's a special primer you could just paint the units,new floor,bit of soft furnishing,doesn't take a lot to brighten up an interior
that WAS quick ! congrats ! there's a special primer you could just paint the units,new floor,bit of soft furnishing,doesn't take a lot to brighten up an interior

Quick ?? I know :rolleyes2:.....Hadnt even sent off the documents for the other van yet ;)

Would like to try and keep this one a bit longer than a year ......not like my other two vans.

Its a joy turning them into something completely different as you know.

Maybe I have a problem :lol-053:
Well done!....So do you still need that loo?

Hi Mark ....most definitely !! will try and meet up with you soon.
Let us know where you are heading or what meet and we will try and make it. We should be out and about in this soon.....:wave:
Nice Van Kiddo
Have Saved That Jar For You And am Looking For A Kettle As Well .:rolleyes2:
That's lovely Jac - bet you can't wait to get out and about again. :)
Nice Van Kiddo
Have Saved That Jar For You And am Looking For A Kettle As Well .:rolleyes2:

Ta Steve....

I saw a kettle last week in an old junk shop ....it was just like yours, I was gutted he wanted fifteen pounds for it and I only had a fiver on me :sad.
enjoy enjoy

Well we didn't waste much time I know :banana: .....
but we went and viewed a van and we now have ....... wait for it ....... AUTOMATIC vw caravelle .....mechanically sound (I hope) !!! It was well in our small budget and we have some money to get some bits and pieces done. It comes with an awning, was cheap to insure 11 months Mot 3 months tax and best of all I can drive it no problem.

Cant wait to get started on it now and make it ours.........:):):)
:wave::wave: have fun enjoy x:goodluck:
Great news! Very pleased for you :D
Make sure you get the heating sorted out for February - just in case there is another SF reunion!

Wahey - just saw this...Jac, that's brilliant!!!!! I'm so pleased for you. :) :banana::banana:

What a great wee van...you'll have some fab times in that. We've got to get some trips planned then! You'll soon make it your own, amazing what a bit of paint and fabric and can do. Kermit sends his love - to????? Does the new baby have a name yet?!!

Hilary x
Morning Hilary ...we are both up with the lark this morning !!
Was too excited to sleep making lists in my head of everything that needs to be done.
I think the biggest thing for me will be going back to not having a heater......there is no way on earth we can afford the hundreds of pounds for a new one so will have to think of something else.

Hope to try and get everything else working today..fridge, water etc but not too bothered about the water at the moment.
the steam cleaner is coming out today .....its grotty inside:scared:. When I think how immaculate I sold my last two vans this one needs a bloody good going over.....
Paul has got to get used to ceiling height ...he smacked his head badly yesterday.....I didn't laugh honest :lol-053:

This is the fun part of completely transforming it and of course now I can take myself off down the coast midweek if I wanted to. (well when I get brave enough) to go off on my own.

No name yet....the others came with names this one didn't ....hmmmmmm ???????
Morning Jac...yes, I know just what you mean, it's very exciting getting a new van ready for the off. At least you've got a few weeks before the need for a heater really kicks in. Kermit needs a space heater too so I'm going to experiment with a bio-ethanol one like those that the brilliant Steve designs - I was well impressed with the one he had at Hawes. I have a large, heavy duty coffee tin I'm going to experiment with first, then if it works I'll make a bigger one from some commercial rectangular ducting that I got from a skip. I see WVW made one from a chimnea - wonder how that's performing?

I'm very excited at heading off down the coast again today - to do some more wildlife recording. Hoping to find some natterjack toads and some glowworms!

Have a lovely day! Hilary
Morning pixies :)

Steve's stove was wonderful. Does he not sell them?

You're OK in the summer, Jac, but you'll definitely need a heat source come the colder weather.

How about callng the van BabyBenny? :lol-053:

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