try adrian flux could get a better deal. tell them whats happen. could be better. all the best ok.pj.Close the Bank Account or cancel the DD to AIB and tell AIB their client is no longer able to pay. Transfer the ownership of the vehicle into your name [ Have a look here ] . You should then be in a position to insure it for third party, fire and theft with no road use. Try someone like NFU Chichester or just leave it on the driveway and take the risk. You can always immobilise it so it won't start. Lot of people on here will tell you exactly what to do. Even just taking the starter battery out will help.
Sorry to hear of your sad loss. Hope you get it sorted. My mum died just before Christmas so I know what a minefield it is.
adrian 03301231232 or 0344-381-6502. just try if not what you want. well ok.pj.Could anyone give me any advice please. Totally heartbroken that my husband passed away on Thursday. Not the virus , I found him collapsed in the garden and the paramedics worked on him for 40min to no avail. Im now on the merry go round of sorting everything out. Car and it’s insurance no problem sorted. His beloved motorhome is another problem. To start with I don’t drive. It had disability tax on it which won’t be once I’ve rung DVLA so
I was having it put on the drive and sorn it till I can get my head round what to do. That’s we’re the problem starts I rang AIB and have been told to keep it insured in Tonys name and to keep on with the monthly premiums which I now can’t afford. I asked if the premium could be reduced at all, apparently not in the middle of the contract, which was only taken out on the 27th March
It doesn’t seem right that it can still be insured in is name but not be here. I always thought it was the person on the documents that was insured which can’t be if he’s not here. Asked about reduction for it not being used and was told it could only be reduced to 1500miles and it would only be reduced by £9.99.
Im afraid by then I was in floods of tears and ended the phone call.
Anyone have any suggestions please.
after the ball. ok.pj.We are really sorry to learn you have been disappointed with our level of service. Our manager, Darren, will call you very shortly.
Only need f&t if it’s not going to be driven, apart from for road test by a buyer When technically owner should be insured as well as driver, who may have their own TP cover to drive other vehicles on their own policy.Your husbands estate has an iinsurable interest, so the existing policy can be allowed to run. If you are paying in instalments then the policy will already be paid for in its entirety close bros finance are normally the funders worth s word with them and explain the situation,,,if you fall into default then they have to give 30 days notice close bros then cancel the policy to recover moneys. I am assuming you are the beneficiary to the van in which case you have an insurable interest too.some one more specialist like nfu may give you indemnity fo Tpft aware you won’t be driving
We are really sorry to learn you have been disappointed with our level of service. Our manager, Darren, will call you very shortly.
Well aware of that having insurance qualifications ,probably find it difficult and more expensive to find a fire theft policy , and there are still situations if the vehicle is kept on a public road it is in your interests to indemnify third parties ,, hopefully now Aib are involved , sensitive to the lady and can help her resolve the situation . Let’s hopeOnly need f&t if it’s not going to be driven, apart from for road test by a buyer When technically owner should be insured as well as driver, who may have their own TP cover to drive other vehicles on their own policy.
Really sorry to see your position, take care.
Our condolences to you..
We too have a motorhome which if I die will be a slight problem for my wife..
We also have some money in shares (not a vast amount) and I am in the process of selling those in order to make things easy.
Your post has increased the urgency of this
More importantly..We sympathise with you situation and hope that AIB "conform"
Best wishes in what we appreciate is a difficult time and some difficult issues
Not the Bottom of the Market but yes lower than they have been !Why are you selling shares at the bottom of the Market? If you want to make it easier for your Wife then put them in joint names.