How do you reserve your spot on site when heading out for the day in the van?


Full Member
Just wondering about this. I usually end up making a scrappy sign and pegging it onto a folding chair while we're oot and aboot'. Better ways, surely.
If I needed to mark my pitch with any frequency, I'd probably use a marker board like one of the two pictured below. However, we rarely move until it's time to go once pitched up at a campsite. For the very rare occasions we have to move, I just leave an upturned bucket with the handle pegged down.

On a campsite that I’ve paid for leave the cable and maybe a chair but if it’s just a park up or an open field type don’t think you should mark a spot you should treat it like you have left the place and take your luck when or if you return.
Both SWMBO & I have names of 4 letters.

I had a square number plate made with our names on.

We us it as a "pitch in use" sign and it also is a way of introducing ourselves to our neighbours.
On a campsite that I’ve paid for leave the cable and maybe a chair
Next arrival .... "wow, that's good. Free EHU lead AND somewhere to sit. Result!" :D

but if it’s just a park up or an open field type don’t think you should mark a spot you should treat it like you have left the place and take your luck when or if you return.
I leave my wooden levelling up blocks in position, 2 cheap old deck chairs tied together and in front of that I have a sign which reads "Reserved, Millie's Pitch", mind you I only ever use remote CL sites and I have never ever experienced any problems.
Both SWMBO & I have names of 4 letters.

I had a square number plate made with our names on.

We us it as a "pitch in use" sign and it also is a way of introducing ourselves to our neighbours.
That wouldn't work for Barry, he'd get evicted.

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