How do you avoid those darn mosquitos?

ive tried the avon stuff, it didnt really work for me unfortunately
Don't ask me as nothing works for me...



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Thanks, yes someone has posted the link further up the thread, I’ll be getting some deet before we go
Yep, the podcast is really interesting and only around 30mins so gets to the point quickly. I've started to try some of the repellent devices that work by heating up a small pad impregnated with a chemical. They are for use when pitched to keep mozzies and the like at bay. They are supposed to form a zone around the device that gives off a deterrent cloud. They are popular in the USA, and there are quite a few on the market now. I've just bought a small portable device called Flextail that is battery powered, but I've not used it yet.
I have used the Theracell MR300 device (cheapest I've seen is at Go outdoors at the moment) that uses small butane cartridges, but that can work out expensive as they are supposed to be one- shot use, but there is a way to refill them if you can find the right size nozzle on a cigarette lighter gas refill cannister. (I'm still working on that). But they also make a similar device that uses standard camping screw thread type gas cylinders that will work out cheaper in the long run.
It's difficult to be certain if these things do work though as It's never certain that there are any biters in the area in the first place, but I expect if you're in Scotland you will know fairly quickly if there are, but we're more likely to go to France where the mozzies are both more prevalent and dangerous. We've just come back from France where we used the Thermacell unit and to be honest, I can't be sure how effective it was because it's a static device and we were doing a fair amount of walking and camped at different sites, and were bitten a few times, but from past experience, though we had couple of bites over a few nights, the number of bites in the night was low. I'd love to hear other people's thoughts and experiences on these devices, and of course, sprays and creams are more useful when you're out and about, but these don't work for everyone.
Avon "Skin So Soft" works quite well apparently, thats what Mrs uses. I generally don't need it as they all go for her.
We just ordered this, it got a good review in a magazine article recently. It's rechargable via USB. Hopefully it will be effective. Shame it's just so very, very orange.

It's hard to kill them all. I can only do some protection.

I will spray some insect repellent on my body. But be careful if you have a pet.
I’ve tried everything - VIT B , garlic capsules, DEET, jungle formula , coils, plug-ins, sprays, citronella, antihistamines etc
Another vote for Avon skin so soft!
And having just returned from France with a whopper of a bite, tried something which I thought was a load of rubbish - but seemed to work to reduce the itch .
A heated T spoon ! Not too hot to burn your skin , but applying it a few times until it cooled down, a few times a day definitely reduced the itchiness and the reaction I would normally get .
Who knew all I needed was a cup of hot water and a T spoon !!??
Foe the midges in Scotland i found out about Bog Myrtle. Fantastic stuff, great for dogs too.
Much better than those horrid chemicles which hugely aggravate my asthma.
You can get it as soap and spray
We've always used Avon SSS as a repellent. Seems to work quite well for us.
That is the placebo effect. It is 20 years since Avon stopped using Citronella in the Skin So Soft preparation. It was that which was said to keep the nasties away. Now all it does is make the skin soft. And as there is no "control person" it may just be that they are either not biting or you are not the meal they are looking for.
That is the placebo effect. It is 20 years since Avon stopped using Citronella in the Skin So Soft preparation. It was that which was said to keep the nasties away. Now all it does is make the skin soft. And as there is no "control person" it may just be that they are either not biting or you are not the meal they are looking for.

Not in my case. I bought a large batch of original SSS and I still have some bottles to this day. Yes it did contain Citronella but also another ingredient which is similar to Deet (Icaradin?).
Wife got bitten by a mozzie in Boston USA in 2009, bite got infected got so bad had to spend a night in hospital, they said she could of lost a leg
Without hospital treatment, a few weeks later we got the bill £9000 😱😱 I kid you not for 1 night in hospital luckily it only cost us the £50 insurance excess.

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