How do you avoid those darn mosquitos?

Be carfull what swells when bitten, you may end up in hospital where they thump it with a big mallet, elasticated shorts are a must. 😂
ive tried white vinegar as recommended by a local Spanish chap, it didnt really do much tbh the bbc podcast posted back up the thread was interesting.

ive always been against deet but after listening to it ill be going out and getting some prior to the trip. if mozzies had hands i think they would be rubbing them together when they see me getting off the boat, whilst donning there dinner jackets!
vinegar works on jellyfish stings.....
And wasp/bee stings (the toxin is alkali so the acidity of the vinegar neutralises it )

Water as hot as you can you can stand for weaver fish stings ....

Ignore the advice to urinate on any stings ....
Unless you are an MP .
Bee stings are acidic, so use Bicarbonate of soda for a bee sting, Vinegar for a vvasp sting.
Well every day is a school day ....

However as someone that is THE one that always gets stung by wasps and bees ...
Even when there's a bunch of other folks around ...
I've used vinegar on both wasp and bee stings and it's always helped massively (even when I've had to use Balsamic lol )

Bloody stingy sodding things
Whenever we go abroad SWMBO virtually always got bitten by mozzies whereas I only occasionally got bit.
We went away in June this year and she applied 'Smidge' every evening and to her delight she never got bit once, I however was being the 'control' ☹️and I was bitten several times. This is the only time in over forty years of travelling where I've been bitten and she's not. Draw your own conclusions but needless to say I've been ordered to buy Smidge in bulk!
Go to BBC podcasts “sliced bread” where they have a nice reasonably scientific look at mosquito repellents. Apparently Deet is not as bad as most people think and some of the other remedies have little effect. Worth a listen especially as smelly feet may have an influence……
Good old MOD jungle formula... ....... ........ Hold on, that dosent work either...
Go to BBC podcasts “sliced bread” where they have a nice reasonably scientific look at mosquito repellents. Apparently Deet is not as bad as most people think and some of the other remedies have little effect. Worth a listen especially as smelly feet may have an influence……
Thanks, yes someone has posted the link further up the thread, I’ll be getting some deet before we go
I used to use deet, which we were issued with, when in strong malarial areas. In some places one in 10 bites could be malarial and the drugs available are not good if taken long term. However if the malarial risk was low I avoided deet as long term use can be harmful. Smidge certainly seems effective against midges.
If using deet be aware that it will damage any plastic it comes into contact with.
However as someone that is THE one that always gets stung by wasps and bees ...
Even when there's a bunch of other folks around ...

They seem to like me as well.

At a Druridge Bay meet a couple of years or so ago, Dennis (Denmar) handed me a can of beer as I stepped out of the van on arrival. Whilst I was chatting a Wasp crawled into the can so when I took my next gulp it managed to sting me on both lips.

I had a 'trout pout' for the rest of the weekend, much to the delight of certain members on here who I shan't name! :mad:
"Smidge" works for me and a Thermocell 'Backpacker' that uses a screw type gas cartridge, It makes a 5 metre protected zone by heating an impregnated wafer.

Also Marie Rose Après Bite and their Repoussant. can be bought from France online presumably any decent 'la Pharmacie' if your passing through.
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