Harrogate Stray Parking

Yes. It seems more than unusual. Can you be sure it came from the council? A guy, not wearing any ID driving his own (?) car putting a letter on your windscreen. Given a computer and scanner anyone could make up such a letter. If he was carrying out parking duties on behalf of the council he must be in uniform The Civil Enforcement Officers (Wearing of Uniforms) (England) Regulations 2007 though possibly that must be if he is actually issuing a PCN rather than a threat. I'd be inclined to insist that he was carrying out the duities of a CEO.

I think that at the very least the council should be asked for an explanation.

I attached the photo of the guy and a photo of the letter to the person named on the letter in the email I sent to Harrogate council,
An additional thought albeit the dash cam only shows one view, where is the signage informing of restrictions and by law ? Whilst the act of parliament and by laws may have 100 % legitimacy there does seem an absence of signage which would make any prosecution questionable.

The notion Yorkshire couples van was the only vehicle given a warning is questionable and I see of no relevance if the allegation does have substance then the offence is complete in simple terms the fact other vehicles weren't ticketed would make no legal difference and the argument of discrimination would hold no sway.

The issue know is whether to park there again . It could well be the council are more happy that they have appeased a complainant thast the end of it ...there is a risk stick your napper too high above the parapet the law is on their side and they do start looking for reasons to actively ticket people

Another thought, did they ticket you down to the weight of your van ? But then again there should be adequate signage to tell you that.

Following this thread with interest


No signs anywhere at all. If they are going to put a notice stating parking/sleeping, well surely that has to hold up for all the other vehicles parked along the same bit of road. The issue that I was picked out of all the rest has got to be discrimination of some means.

I have just driven down that same stretch of road now looking for a place to park while I wait for the better half to finish work but it is so full of parked cars and vans oh and also a flatbed recovery truck that there is no room, but strangely there were no notices on any of the vehicles parked there again!!!
I think you are right it seems that way,

Another thing I find unusual is the notice is in letter format manually completed, with no carbon style copy . I would normally expect nowadays the council man to take a couple of additional photos with the notice attached to the vehicle this proves the notice served and photo proof of any allegation to support their case should it reach a court,

It seems reacting to an allegation than active parking control on Harrogate councils part

Until recently I was visiting regularly a home in Harrogate adjacent to the Granby Hotel which I would imagine falls under the Stray Act. Looking at the amount of vehicles parked at any given time of day the council are either raising a fortune in revenue OR turning a blind eye


Coach Rd has no restrictions on parking and is a one way system. At the other side from Coach Rd is Park Parade, a one way Rd which has disk parking for 3 hours on the right side of it and 9 hours on the left side of it. But Coach Rd has no restriction on it what so ever nor does it have any signs stating anything at all..
There and again...
Do you want to risk local vigilante/s damaging your home and joy.. ?
If you don't return..he/ they've won.. Until another MH. Parks there.

I'd go back and lie in wait for him....WITH MY CAMERA READY.!

LOL "I'll be back" but I will not leave the van there unattended just in case it bites me in the rear.... The would struggle I thing removing the van, as it wont go on the back of a 7.5t recovery truck and if it's on anything bigger it wont go under the trees without causing serious damage to my home.
Don't think they could tow it either due to the overhang being to low.
If, as the notice says, authority is required to park within the boundaries of The Stray then I venture to suggest that very few of the vehicles will have had such authority and many others should have been served the same notice.

I wonder if the originators of the complaint are members of the Stray Defence Association?

Just to reiterate, having read the Act and bye-laws, I fail to see what offence is supposed to have been committed.
The Email i sent to the council last night. Cut and pasted into here....

A cut and paste of the Email I sent to Harrogate Council. It was set out a bit better than on here but couldn't get it to paste as the original...

Dear Mr Kilburn
I am writing to you with regards to a notice found under my window wiper blade on the 6 August 2018 at 5.02pm.
I would like an explanation for this as I feel that I have been discriminated against by the Harrogate Council.
Yes, my vehicle was parked on Coach Rd, it was parked there all day while my wife was at work in a solicitors office in town, where she has worked for the last 30 years. There were also many more vehicles parked along the same road including vans and campervans and to what I could tell they DID NOT receive any such notices.
At the time of this being placed on my vehicle I was on the stray walking our dog as many others do the same thing. I do not find this breaking any laws. My vehicle is taxed , Mot'd and insured to be on a public highway and my vehicle does not cause an obstruction. So I find this notice very insulting and discriminating and I would like to know the reasons of issue.
There are no signs stating that vehicles are not permitted to park along Coach Rd. There are also no signs of restrictions along Coach Rd. So the occasional time that I stay in town which is very rare I park on Coach Rd for this reason. Also to the fact that Harrogate does not provide parking for the size of vehicle I own.
Other than parking here I feel that I will be left with no choice but to park in town and leave my vehicle there displaying my blue badge as I am disabled and unable to walk distance.
So I believe that I was being very considerate to other shoppers and users of the town by stopping on Coach Rd and using my Ebike to get into town.
I would be grateful to have a response from you with your explanation.
Please find attached a copy of the notice and also a picture of the person leaving it. Please note that the time is incorrect on the photo due to my dashcam being 1 hour behind.
As you will see from the notice it is not signed by the person issuing it and this does not appear to be official.
I have also talked to two parking enforcement officers as they were driving around in their van. I asked them if they had issued this notice at which they said no, then also commented by saying that I wasn't breaking any laws by parking my vehicle there.
I look forward to hearing from you
Many thanks
Found this very interesting regarding yellow lines

Reading this has made me think a little too.... I appealed an unfair private parking charge and won | Daily Mail Online

So if the Stray act includes the roads, does that mean that they are not classed as a public highway?? Would that be right??
BUT it does have yellow lines single and double painted on them. So does that make it a highway?

If it's a public highway we are able to park on it legally where there are no yellow lines. (sorry if this comes out all wrong but I hope you know where I am going with it)

According to this article "cut and paste from the above link"

According to rule 238 of the Highway Code: 'double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time even if there are no upright signs.'

This applies to the public highway, not private land. You can paint double yellow lines on your land if you like, but they are advisory not enforceable as they are on the road.

The wife sent me this and so it got me thinking..
I used to go to Harrogate with work I don't know what people see in it bloody horrible place
I do believe unless it has changed yellow lines ( which you weren't parked on) need to be continuous to be enforceable .if they are broken due to wear they cant be enforced

You cant really tell from the dash cam and the same applies to laddo ,parking within 75 feet of a junction is an offence ? It is a warning letter you appear to have the reason I say this is any PCN should have a code detailing the actual offence

It will be interesting the reply you receive

From the evidence you have provided, I would suggest the council are on very thin ice & are only targeting you because a busy body thinks it's wrong to park where you did.

From the evidence you have provided, I would suggest the council are on very thin ice & are only targeting you because a busy body thinks it's wrong to park where you did.


probably overnighting......not parking...busybodies more than likely noticed that you were there over sunday night till monday morning.

cars vans etc park on that road every day and night..........a member on here posted some time ago that they were parked on the same road.....i think.....and had a large branch of a tree snap off and i think it damaged their van........

as you say...parking wardens said you were ok to pARK there......

there are often acouple of vans parked on that road.......now whether they have been parked overnight...i dont know.....but for a good few days they have always been in the same place or seem to have been in the same parking place.

however byelaws ???????

i think the busy bodies have gone out of their way to make a complaint......and someone from the council office has been sent to place the notice on your van.......the busy bodies may have been councillors themselves .....hence quick response from what could be a council mrmber of staff,,,,,,just my thoughts

When we were at Canterbury P&R end of may.
A person stopped their car on the exit road and got out to photo the vehicles parked properly near the tap and dumping area.
Then drove off before I could ask or take a photo.
Memo to self..
Keep camera handy to return the favour.
Handy that I have a proper SLR camera which makes it obvious.
Could also keep phone handy to photo or video or voice record !
Or dashcam
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Showing Coach Rd and the amount of vehicles parked along it...

Personally I would be astonished if you ever heard anymore about this apart from , of course , a reply to your email . For whatever reason you (more likely your van) have got up somebody's nose . There is no legal case to answer .
It certainly wouldn't stop me parking there again

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