Generator 800watt Here we go again.

Don't know about "spiking" problems, but we in the military use gennys all the time for powering radio set ups and these have masses of sensitive electronics and we do not have issues at all barring noise.

Aye and some of the generators the MOD use are very expensive - such as the Onan ones.
They should all be banned as antisocial ... polluting...... noisy....... outmoded....heavy.......EXPENsive , to buy and run. tools of the Devil.


Yes I've sufferred at the hands of insensitive generator users one chap on a site ran his all day for a fridge! The thing he had was cheap,nasty and noisy, then there is no such thing as a silent generator.
I have mine for the rare emergencies and it may be of use for re-sale value.
Yes I've sufferred at the hands of insensitive generator users one chap on a site ran his all day for a fridge! The thing he had was cheap,nasty and noisy, then there is no such thing as a silent generator.
I have mine for the rare emergencies and it may be of use for re-sale value.

I'll not mention the purgatory suffered by us 'normal' folks then that suffer from the spawn of all the 'Good life' types who 'discuss' issues with there offspring rather than tellling them to behave!

The recent border meet was a great example of youngsters joining in rather than being the archetypical 'Kevin' the teenager by the way.
I'll not mention the purgatory suffered by us 'normal' folks then that suffer from the spawn of all the 'Good life' types who 'discuss' issues with there offspring rather than tellling them to behave!

The recent border meet was a great example of youngsters joining in rather than being the archetypical 'Kevin' the teenager by the way.

I must say I do see a lot of well behaved kids around motorhomes, probably due to doing things more as a family.
I am from a large family and there had to be order and we all helped out and mucked in. I despair at some of the foul-mouthed parents I hear, how they are amazed where the kids pick up the language from i've no idea.
I'll not mention the purgatory suffered by us 'normal' folks then that suffer from the spawn of all the 'Good life' types who 'discuss' issues with there offspring rather than tellling them to behave!

The recent border meet was a great example of youngsters joining in rather than being the archetypical 'Kevin' the teenager by the way.

im sorry but i dont understand a word of wot u posted,

regards willis
I must say I do see a lot of well behaved kids around motorhomes, probably due to doing things more as a family.
I am from a large family and there had to be order and we all helped out and mucked in. I despair at some of the foul-mouthed parents I hear, how they are amazed where the kids pick up the language from i've no idea.

Bedford go and **** yerself you ******* ****ing ****er you can shove your ******* words up yer arse you ******:D:D

we had one from aldi last year it was 2stroke and very smelly also took a lot of pulls to get it going we ended up taking it back and getting a refund

I am very interested in that price. Does it run on diesel or petrol?
Unfortunately I live in France so I need to find a helping hand.
I could post you a UK sterling cheque and pick up in May.
:eek: Kris- I've seen similar for similar prices in several of the big hardware hypermarkets in France - Aldi is not all that much cheaper than the bi8g hardware hypermarkets and suchlike -just can't think of the name of the French equivalent but there are several..... one in Northern areas has a big triangle symble they are usually found in the big shopping parks near big hypermarkets ...
By the way- SDMO) (french made) at circa 300 is really good value quiet, super sine and widely available in France
where are you France? I may know somewhere?:)

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