GasIt - still around?

I am sure I have read somewhere that they are now only selling to trade
You could try autogas 2000 in Thirsk.
Or the LPG shop
I got some Gasit spares last week. They’ve been taken over by a company called Dragon Products. Got good service from them.
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A lot of Gaslow parts are interchangeable with Gasit, they also have there own dealer network now so may one near to you, Google brings these up.

I used Gasit last time, but they were such a pain to deal with if you didn't know exactly what you wanted that I stopped using them and got Gaslow from this very helpful outfit, nothing is too much trouble.

Thank you. I thought this must have happened as GasIt bottles are still being sold.

My question for them was - my system was installed in July 2013 what should be replaced or tested?
I looked for testing a few years ago as I had the chance to buy a used cylinder, Googled but found nothing, I think maybe the cost outweighs buying a new one.

You do see used ones, and Gasit actually sell special cartons for shipping them, so I'd be tempted to get a carton, buy a new cylinder and flog the old one mentioning it's age.
Just to prove they are out there used.

What pressure are LPG cylinders?

An LPG cylinder is filled with liquid, hence the name liquid petroleum gas. For normal temperature ranges you can expect to see around 100 psi to 200 psi, but it could be as high as 400 psi if you leave the cylinder in the sun to as low as 0 psi if you are at one of the poles in a blizzard.
Hoses from the bottle to the regulator should be dated.
They always are. But some seem to be dated with a manufactured on date, and others with a replace by date, which can lead to confusion.

This is my original one and its replacement - both show the manufactured date

Hose Dates by David, on Flickr

And a Gaslow Hose I got with my Gaslow Kit I bought in 2020

Gaslow Hose by David, on Flickr
Obviously made no later than 2020 and I would guess probably 2018? Assuming 2018, with this Stainless Steel Hose, it is rated for either 10 years or 20 years depending on use.
Re stainless steel hoses, there's an interesting note on the Dragonproducts site - "We do not sell Stainless Steel Fill hoses because there are none approved to the required UK or Europe E67.01 Regulations"
Re stainless steel hoses, there's an interesting note on the Dragonproducts site - "We do not sell Stainless Steel Fill hoses because there are none approved to the required UK or Europe E67.01 Regulations"
no idea what the various numbers are or mean, but if Gaslow supply these hoses in their kit I would think they are probably suitable, no?
Dragonproducts, as a reseller of products not a manufacturer, may not be fully in the loop perhaps?
GASIT used to have this statement on their website also. Have a look at E67.01 regulations and it will confirm the statement.

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