French toilets.

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Morgan the Moon,

Sorry I'm late replying to your question. In my day, there were NO toilets ( officially designated) underground, but this does not mean that nature did not take its course.
As Groyne mentioned, an odd corner not much frequented would become the de facto latrine.

Regarding the wider discussion about prudery and the like, well, there was an interesting tale in our pit. As there was a lot of stealing going on, everybody used to lock their tools on to a toolbar.
Even so, there was a time when theft was going apace, so the second thing we did was to bury the tools in the dust.
Still the problem continued; somebody sawed the head off the sledge hammer!

Eventually, as things were getting out of control, a trap was set. Do you know who the culprit ( caught red-handed) was?
Well, he was a local lay-preacher in one of the puritans' chapels! In fact, he was one of a small band of men who refused to use the communal showers when " pit-head baths" were introduced. They preferred to walk home dirty to the tinbath in front of the fire.
Exposing the body parts was "work of the devil" or some such. How hypocritical!
I never took much heed of "Holy Joes" since that day, and, btw, our lot were bad enough, in my experience.

As for this French v English stuff, I try to stay out of it. Each has strongpoints and weakpoints, imo. Just like most folk, I suppose. Snobbery seems to be a trait present in many who come up against different people. I expect a lot of it is related to
a) fear of the unknown, and
b) natural defence mechanism.

Perception seems to be everything.
When I first went to South east Asia, the people ate and liked their own food and did things in their own way. For instance, the Thais in Pat Pong ( redlight district of Bangkok) were horrified at westerners bathing and toilet habits.
Jumping in the big tub of water with a bar of soap instead of using the dipper to shower alongside it, or, blocking the non-flush squat with paper were total "No-no"s, to them.

Nowadays, decades later, I never go there anymore, but I know that people welcomed Mc Donalds , KFC, facebook, and all the rest of it with open arms. They thought it fashionable to turn their back on the old ways and just wanted to ape America first, then, second, Britain ( once they found out there was a difference).
This was most noticeable among the affluent of Japan and Hong Kong.
Now that those economies are beginning to crumble, Goodness knows what will become of them.

Personally, I very much doubt that they will go back to just wearing a sarong or kimono without any underwear/jeans/trainers/baseball caps etc
until some fashion guru from California convinces them that they should return to the ways of their great grandmothers.

Ho hum. Some folk calls it progress, others just think it's money-grabbing bull sh ite. Nice to have the choice, I suppose.

Btw, I used to be an adventurous eater ( snake, turtle eggs, frogs, squirrels have all been on the menu), but nowadays i know what i like and that's all i want.
My kids think I'm a complete nutter and can't believe the things i turn down. Plain and simple does me.
Yes, it's boring, but I'm too old to be bothered trying to impress others.

Good luck to all who venture forth! :)

sean rua.

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