
I don't need Facebook, that's what the forum is for.:D
Some of us are, let's say, mature, and don't go near Facebook.

Bit harsh I use Facebook most days go to some great wild festivals I must be one of the immature ones but it is what you make it just don’t put your whole life up there for people to pick over.
There's no such thing as "controls" on f***book...if just one of your so called friends "shares" then your content is seen world over. FB is full of "saddos" without friends in the real world....just my opinion LOL !!

Then you only post what you are happy for the world to see simple self monitoring.
Bit harsh I use Facebook most days go to some great wild festivals I must be one of the immature ones but it is what you make it just don’t put your whole life up there for people to pick over.

It’s not immature to use it Annie and a lot of folks will find it great. Caz uses it a bit and every now and then she will tell me to log on and check something one of the grandkids has done. I never got in on Facebook groups or I would maybe feel a bit differently. It was the way I saw it misused agains some of the younger people I worked with and the way they seem incapable of living their lives without it that soured it for me.

I don’t think it ever will or ever should disappear but it does need some changes to protect the vulnerable but I can’t really see how it can be done and retain the freedom. It’s peoples insecurity part of the problem I think, as I don’t care what anyone thinks about me or says it wouldn’t really apply to me :) I just prefer not to use it myself 👍
Ah right, I see a lot is in response to old posts as it is an old thread. I was just responding to Dels comments and as far as I am concerned folks can use any method they want it’s their choice. I have always been labelled a bit of a geek though so...

Ha ha
Because of social media in general, our grandchildren especially who know of nothing different than internet, will easily become socially enept. And it is happening, now, and I think its quite sad.Already the signs are in place, video games instead of excersise , facebook instead of phone calls.

However our kids are all using it, and im a firm beleiver of moving with the times, whether i agree with the changes or not. As my kids were going out clubbing etc, it was an easy way of keeping tabs on them so to speak, and if they were late home, or the mobiles were out of battery, i would easily contact there freinds to make sure all was well, and it would stop me worrying.....

It’s just the modern day rock and roll lol and humans naturally want human interaction so doubt it will kill of social skills it’s just another tool.
It’s an example of what happens when people are allowed to do what they want with little recourse to decency and common sense. I have seen it used a few times as a tool for bullying or belittling others and I get really wound up when folks just believe anything posted there. It had a lot to do with the riots a few years back as well. I don’t like this dark side and rarely use it.

I do know lots of folks do and find it very useful but I will stick with forums and if/when they do die out either go back to internet chat rooms or being a hermit :)

First time I've seen you wiv your serious head on. Scary.
First time I've seen you wiv your serious head on. Scary.

Ha ha Del, I am never 100% serious mate, when I notice I am getting in too deep I usually change tack and start taking the mickey. Craic rules ok :)
Ha ha Del, I am never 100% serious mate, when I notice I am getting in too deep I usually change tack and start taking the mickey. Craic rules ok :)


Works for me. Let us not speak about my Kettle fetish. No, that's not auto correct for "Kettle of fish". BTW, can't make Wellington, confession time at Druridge.
There's no such thing as "controls" on f***book...if just one of your so called friends "shares" then your content is seen world over. FB is full of "saddos" without friends in the real world....just my opinion LOL !!

I first joined Facebook to see photos of my grandson and granddaughter as me and my daughter weren’t on speaking terms (my d/I/L joined me) so if I’m a “saddo” then so be it but at the time I was a happy “saddo” but now thanks to Facebook and more to the point messenger on Facebook we’re now seeing our grandson and oldest granddaughter as they come to visit with our daughter so I’m now a happier “saddo”

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