
In the history lessons of the future, people are going to look back at the horrors caused by such a dreadful concept. :wacko:

Why would any sane person want to post all their personal information up for the world to see and abuse - it's sheer lunacy. :confused:

Even worse, why would you want to spend your time looking to see what other people are doing? :pc:

Can you imagine what state the world would be in if such a platform were available in the 1930's? :scared:

I would fight to the death to protect the publishing of my details. :ninja:

There's no such thing as "controls" on f***book...if just one of your so called friends "shares" then your content is seen world over. FB is full of "saddos" without friends in the real world....just my opinion LOL !!
There's no such thing as "controls" on f***book...if just one of your so called friends "shares" then your content is seen world over. FB is full of "saddos" without friends in the real world....just my opinion LOL !!
The same as writings on here. And even friends can only see what you want them to see. Nobody knows even my email addy , and the only personal information friends have is the information that I let them have. But I do understand how some people cant seem to grasp the concept and the security thats there , especially people who have never had a FB account .lol
The same as writings on here. And even friends can only see what you want them to see. Nobody knows even my email addy , and the only personal information friends have is the information that I let them have. But I do understand how some people cant seem to grasp the concept and the security thats there , especially people who have never had a FB account .lol

The only loop hole to be careful with is if one of your friends shares your post all of their friends can then see it even if their friends are not yours. Only way around it that I can think of is to prevent sharing of your posts.

I tried Twitter and Facebook, I soon gave up Twitter because I didn't get it. I stayed with Facebook as some family and friends used it. I then received a friend request out of the blue and the person used my childhood nickname, at first I couldn't place her then the penny dropped. Turned out she was still in touch with friends and neighbors we both grew up with. Anyhow long story short, we organized a reunion night last February and around 60 people turned up it was an amazing night and we are organizing another in June because some people couldn't make the first one.

So my experience of Facebook so far is a positive one.
The only loop hole to be careful with is if one of your friends shares your post all of their friends can then see it even if their friends are not yours. Only way around it that I can think of is to prevent sharing of your posts.


Posts within the closed owners group Im in cannot be shared outside that group.
ive just sent a request to join, thanks

Really sorry, but it's closed to paid up members of the Bentley club only so I can't approve your request. If you've got a Bentley motorhome and want to join though it is very much worth it. Not many marques with half of the owners in their owners club.
Because of social media in general, our grandchildren especially who know of nothing different than internet, will easily become socially enept. And it is happening, now, and I think its quite sad.Already the signs are in place, video games instead of excersise , facebook instead of phone calls.

However our kids are all using it, and im a firm beleiver of moving with the times, whether i agree with the changes or not. As my kids were going out clubbing etc, it was an easy way of keeping tabs on them so to speak, and if they were late home, or the mobiles were out of battery, i would easily contact there freinds to make sure all was well, and it would stop me worrying.....
Friends cannot share your posts if you have set it to friends only. So there will be no share button there.

The idea of the "Custom" setting is so you can hide what you're posting from certain people, which is what you want and are doing. Because of that, facebook won't allow your friends on that custom list to share it with others because you have asked it not to by setting that post so that only certain people can see it.
Phil put in place ' Full members chat' On the forum.
If you use this thread it does not go public on the Google search engine.
This was put in place during the TRO consultation for Ferring seafront ban on Motorhomes during the hours of 9pm and 8 am to stop overnight parking.The council were using comments on that thread against us at public meetings.
Cheers. David
WC has started to use FB, I sometimes get pictures or videos put up.
Still can't bring myself to watch daisyminl ( Sue ) singing ' Happy Birthday ' with the volume up yet!
neither can I David....!!!:scared::scared::scared::scared::scared:
What is this facebook thing? Is it a photo album or something ? Why does anyone want to see my photos ?

Next thing your going to try to tell me, it's a social interaction group. As if ! :confused:
What is this facebook thing? Is it a photo album or something ? Why does anyone want to see my photos ?

Next thing your going to try to tell me, it's a social interaction group. As if ! :confused:

It’s an example of what happens when people are allowed to do what they want with little recourse to decency and common sense. I have seen it used a few times as a tool for bullying or belittling others and I get really wound up when folks just believe anything posted there. It had a lot to do with the riots a few years back as well. I don’t like this dark side and rarely use it.

I do know lots of folks do and find it very useful but I will stick with forums and if/when they do die out either go back to internet chat rooms or being a hermit :)
There's no such thing as "controls" on f***book...if just one of your so called friends "shares" then your content is seen world over. FB is full of "saddos" without friends in the real world....just my opinion LOL !!

Facebook market place if used correctly can make you money,the rest is sh-t.:scared:
I have always used Facebook and have enjoyed it, I was always selective about who I added e.g. Not work colleagues or certain family members. In the last few months I have realised what a social media playground it is ...If not careful it can really mess with your head if you allow it to. I have refrained from using it as I wantend a social media detox. Wildcamping is the only forum I belong to 😊

My gripe has always been 'privacy' is so important to me ... if I choose to post a pic or video then my choice .. it's when something is splattered on social media and I have absolutely no control over it, it winds me right up. 😖
It’s an example of what happens when people are allowed to do what they want with little recourse to decency and common sense. I have seen it used a few times as a tool for bullying or belittling others and I get really wound up when folks just believe anything posted there. It had a lot to do with the riots a few years back as well. I don’t like this dark side and rarely use it.

I do know lots of folks do and find it very useful but I will stick with forums and if/when they do die out either go back to internet chat rooms or being a hermit :)

I agree with you although recently probably after the voting fiasco Cambridge Analytica etc it does seem more policed by fb themselves.Recently they have stopped trending news which is a shame most of the sources were respectable like Reuters.

I use it a lot for messaging and sometimes facetime. it is very useful for that and sharing pictures with friends and family.

It has its place but like anything a lot that abuse it posting crap, interesting how recently Facebook,Spotify,Twitter and dropbox share values have fallen off the cliff

Yes I think folks are starting to realise some of the potential problems and governments are looking at regulating. These are great tools but have just been allowed to be misused and now folks will buck at any controls where it should not have been allowed in the first place

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