

Free Member
I've been a full member for a wee while now and was wondering why the group don't use facebook very often?
I don't need Facebook, that's what the forum is for.:D
Some of us are, let's say, mature, and don't go near Facebook.
I too don't need Facebook, I had Facebook for a while but got fed up with it clogging my email with people who wanted to be my friend and notifications pending, the peopl I want to talk to and communicate with I can do easily without Facebook.

The twitbook thingies scare the pants off me, I come across enough twits without becoming one myself. If I want to interact online there are enough like minded eejits on here to keep life interesting
TBH facebook groups do not divide the subject content as well as this forum does, neither does fb allow me to see posts since last visit.

Where I am on a fb group that has already started with a "traditional forum" I find the forum much easier to deal with, esp when searching previous posts for a particular subject or word

Forum wins hands down imo
I use FB and Twitter every day. It is what you make of it. You are in total control of what you see , want to see and what you don't want to see. If you don't want notifications , simples , turn them off . I get useful information from here but also a lot from groups on Fb i.e Hymer s owners group. There's room for all. If people keep posting pictures of their dinner I block them , same as the ones who have to take a selfie a day , their gone too. I belong to groups where I have an interest so my timeline is filled with stuff that I want to see not stuff that I don't. I get my news that's up to date by the second , and not just the spin most of our outlets give but from a lot of quarters. The music I like is on there as soon as it's available. To me it's instant information tailored especially for me , and to some extent it's where FB beats sites everything I see on there I will read . On the front page on this site at this moment in time there are 35 threads but I have actually only opened just 5 .
For me FB and Twitter serve a good purpose and wouldn't be without them .
I've been a full member for a wee while now and was wondering why the group don't use facebook very often?

Because this works. Facebook wouldn't add anything except random adverts.

It seems a growing number of people see Facebook as essential, with nothing else considered. Odd.
WC has started to use FB, I sometimes get pictures or videos put up.
Still can't bring myself to watch daisyminl ( Sue ) singing ' Happy Birthday ' with the volume up yet!
WC has started to use FB, I sometimes get pictures or videos put up.
Still can't bring myself to watch daisyminl ( Sue ) singing ' Happy Birthday ' with the volume up yet!

Go on, turn it up - don't know what you're missing :D
WC has started to use FB, I sometimes get pictures or videos put up.
Still can't bring myself to watch daisyminl ( Sue ) singing ' Happy Birthday ' with the volume up yet!

What am i missing?
Will have to have a look via my daughter's fb.
I use FB and Twitter every day. It is what you make of it. You are in total control of what you see , want to see and what you don't want to see. If you don't want notifications , simples , turn them off . I get useful information from here but also a lot from groups on Fb i.e Hymer s owners group. There's room for all. If people keep posting pictures of their dinner I block them , same as the ones who have to take a selfie a day , their gone too. I belong to groups where I have an interest so my timeline is filled with stuff that I want to see not stuff that I don't. I get my news that's up to date by the second , and not just the spin most of our outlets give but from a lot of quarters. The music I like is on there as soon as it's available. To me it's instant information tailored especially for me , and to some extent it's where FB beats sites everything I see on there I will read . On the front page on this site at this moment in time there are 35 threads but I have actually only opened just 5 .
For me FB and Twitter serve a good purpose and wouldn't be without them .

It can also serve as a good business tool if used properly.


I'll have no truck with like focused social media.
People only post stuff to be liked and envied.
This website suits me fine,thankyou.
My MH. Owners group has transferred to Facebook. I'm considering leaving them,rather than joining FB.

I'll have no truck with like focused social media.
People only post stuff to be liked and envied.
This website suits me fine,thankyou.
My MH. Owners group has transferred to Facebook. I'm considering leaving them,rather than joining FB.

Had to give that a like Paul!
Had to give that a like Paul!

That's why I posted it ,Rob!
It could be that my real opinion is totally opposite to my post, but you wouldn't have liked it,would you?:hammer:
That's why I prefer to tick the' thanks' button.
It proves that I've read the post, noted it's contents, but keeps 'em guessing as to if I enjoyed it.
That's why I posted it ,Rob!
It could be that my real opinion is totally opposite to my post, but you wouldn't have liked it,would you?:hammer:
That's why I prefer to tick the' thanks' button.
It proves that I've read the post, noted it's contents, but keeps 'em guessing as to if I enjoyed it.

Hey, that van won't fill itself. Gotta start on it soon.

I'll have no truck with like focused social media.
People only post stuff to be liked and envied.
This website suits me fine,thankyou.
My MH. Owners group has transferred to Facebook. I'm considering leaving them,rather than joining FB.

You should give the owners group a try on fb, it's much better than the website ever was even if its the only group that you ever visit there. Very handy for quick resposes when you have a query. It's a closed group for members only so not many even see anything that you post. I'm an admin so promise you'll get quick approval if you ask to join.
What am i missing?
Will have to have a look via my daughter's fb.

That's why its so addictive people are frightened of missing out on something. I will just keep on missing out, and not keep having to check my phone every 2 mins like a awful lot seem to do.
Also everything you write on here shows up in google searches so for example i asked a question a while back about my cteks and got a lot of useful info from here ( thanks Phil) but i did google my query too and lo and behold up came my question plus all the reply's. But i believe the settings i have configured on FB means only my friend's see what I post and is not for general consumption. I could of course make all or some of my posts public but i have the choice which i don't think websites give.

edit......by the way im not ashamed of any of my posts ...lol
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You should give the owners group a try on fb, it's much better than the website ever was even if its the only group that you ever visit there. Very handy for quick resposes when you have a query. It's a closed group for members only so not many even see anything that you post. I'm an admin so promise you'll get quick approval if you ask to join.


I'll give it a go. First I'll have to find it. Is there a link?
Please pm me, we don't want the hoi poli on here finding out about the rituals of B.M.O.C., do we? :banana:

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