EU Entry and Exit System


Full Member
Looks like things are on the move for the new EES...

..which is more than we'll be dong when it comes in!
I remember the first time I used one of the fingerprint scanners when I flew into Dulles over 15 years ago.
Found it easy to use, quick and quite intuitive. Maybe too intuitive .... TSA man asked me if I had used them before (maybe suspected me of undeclared criminal record??)
(I think they may have just been introduced? Don't remember them being there earlier that year).
Biometric scanning should be a lot quicker than a person sat at a desk looking at you and your passport. It will depend on how it’s implemented. You can be sure if it is a U.K. government it scheme it will be a farce and cost much more than expected, struggle on for a few years then quietly get shelved.
Biometric scanning should be a lot quicker than a person sat at a desk looking at you and your passport. It will depend on how it’s implemented. You can be sure if it is a U.K. government it scheme it will be a farce and cost much more than expected, struggle on for a few years then quietly get shelved.
I remember the first time I used one of the fingerprint scanners when I flew into Dulles over 15 years ago.
Found it easy to use, quick and quite intuitive. Maybe too intuitive .... TSA man asked me if I had used them before (maybe suspected me of undeclared criminal record??)
(I think they may have just been introduced? Don't remember them being there earlier that year).
Used them in USA but , as I remember, they continued to do the manual check .
Seemed a bit daft
Used them in USA but , as I remember, they continued to do the manual check .
Seemed a bit daft
Was that in the beginning or ongoing? Would expect it to be slower initially as they would run both systems to prove concept but then it should get quicker as it changed to just biometric. Once governments are involved though… 😂😂
apparantly the British Passport is one of the most secure in the world? of course, to take advantage of the features, you have to have the destination countries being able to take advantage of the features, so it is really down to OTHER Countries to do their bit to make it efficient as well
Returning from Lanzarote last Thursday the passport was scanned by a Spanish immigration officer prior to departure. The scanners in Lanzarote and Manchester worked perfectly.

For a change…


Returned from Tenerife just a couple of weeks ago. The border ocifer stamped passport. When I checked he hadn't set the date correctly for the days work. I pointed this out to him. He then reset it, crossed out my stamp and restamped.
It seems Eurotunnel are to test the system and estimate that the average time taken through French border control will increase from 1 minute to 5-6 minutes ........

1 minute??!!

Whilst it's not too shabby it's less than one minute if you can drive straight up i.e. there's no vehicles in front of you. I'd say we wait around 15 - 20 minutes on average now so if this adds and extra 5 to each one....

Also it'll be bedlam if 2-3 coaches turn up at once :eek:
Returned from Tenerife just a couple of weeks ago. The border ocifer stamped passport. When I checked he hadn't set the date correctly for the days work. I pointed this out to him. He then reset it, crossed out my stamp and restamped.

If he stamped it with an earlier exit date you should have kept quite and used less of your 90.
1 minute??!!

Whilst it's not too shabby it's less than one minute if you can drive straight up i.e. there's no vehicles in front of you. I'd say we wait around 15 - 20 minutes on average now so if this adds and extra 5 to each one....

Also it'll be bedlam if 2-3 coaches turn up at once :eek:
I was going from Andorra to Spain and the queue of cars at the border was horrendous. Unconsciously or not, I accidentally drove down the coach line which was empty. The guard stopped me and had a quick look inside the MH and let us continue. He didn’t appear too fussed about us going the wrong way, we obviously don’t look suspicious. So that’s an option, if you feel brave ;)
The Line of cars going up towards the border seemed never ending.
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Was that in the beginning or ongoing? Would expect it to be slower initially as they would run both systems to prove concept but then it should get quicker as it changed to just biometric. Once governments are involved though… 😂😂
Haven't been to US since before COVID but , I think , it was ongoing
Washington, Newark and Charlotte.
Always assumed it was the fault of the unions . Used to get pissed off with the number of empty desks at arrivals . Even more so with the , mostly , humourless twats that you had to deal with
apparantly the British Passport is one of the most secure in the world? of course, to take advantage of the features, you have to have the destination countries being able to take advantage of the features, so it is really down to OTHER Countries to do their bit to make it efficient as well
Shame the same can't be said about our borders 🤔🫢
I believe the first time they scan your British passport and then do the biometrics your details will then be logged.

Its not such a big issue when you think about it, Biometrics have been used for years for international travel, it’s just an adjustment post ******.
Yes it's that initial time that you go through the tunnel or ferry port when the finger prints etc are taken, that will cause the biggest delays it seems. After that on subsequent visits hopefully it will be a quicker process if all that is needed is to check you against the previously provided biometrics,

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