essentials for wild camping

Foreign Languages

I have a whole pile of dictionaries from all my travels around the world. Looks like I am going to have to invest in a Welsh one too, so that I can keep up with you guys. Awe well, that's life :confused:
David & Ann said:
I have a whole pile of dictionaries from all my travels around the world. Looks like I am going to have to invest in a Welsh one too, so that I can keep up with you guys. Awe well, that's life :confused:

'r Cymraeg ydy 'n esmwyth ai cei an online chyfieithwr!

I think?
Bloody rubbish online translaters Ill stick to English n Bad Spanish from now on :D
virgil said:
bugeila 'i samm.:D
iv just tried the online translator but cant find a good site,which 1 are you using virg or are you really a welsh speaker :rolleyes:
sammclouis said:
iv just tried the online translator but cant find a good site,which 1 are you using virg or are you really a welsh speaker :rolleyes:

I am fluenlg;lf;;zcmxalxmklakfmx,.x;ls in many languages Samm!:D

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