essentials for wild camping


being a novice at this wild camping game what are the essentials for camping in the wild for example I found to my cost best to buy tinned meat rather than fresh unless using that day very wary of running fridge as it is very good at draining my batteries. Another tips would be handy.


Have you tried the ready meals in the cans. These heat themselves,about 4 pounds a tin ,do puddings as well.Depends on were you go i suppose ,millets and the usual camping shops sell them.Use to use them for when out fishing for a day.
Why does your fridge run your battery down?. Unless its a compressor fridge it only runs on gas when stationary unless on hook up.
rogerangie said:
Why does your fridge run your battery down?. Unless its a compressor fridge it only runs on gas when stationary unless on hook up.

Its a three way fridge not keen on running gas during night been left on 12v by mistake twice and run battery down in a day. My van is old in fact there are some instruction written by Noah.

I use to have this problem when camping, 100 amp battery will only last2 to3 days if switched off through night.Had to keep my insulin cold ,it was a night mare,brought one off the small fridges lasts a bit longer. But no help if you want to keep food in it.
knoxy said:
Its a three way fridge not keen on running gas during night been left on 12v by mistake twice and run battery down in a day. My van is old in fact there are some instruction written by Noah.

I leave mine on at night I have one of those things that change colour if theres any gas fumes or you can get one of those that bleeps.
Think it's fairly safe to leave a fridge on gas overnight. Not heard of many deaths through gas poisoning. Doesn't mean it wouldn't happen though. Think in general they are quite safety concious about how they fit them.
knoxy said:
being a novice at this wild camping game what are the essentials for camping in the wild for example I found to my cost best to buy tinned meat rather than fresh unless using that day very wary of running fridge as it is very good at draining my batteries. Another tips would be handy.

the ONLY essential you will need is lots of this:-

ha ha ha ;)
cas said:
I leave mine on at night I have one of those things that change colour if theres any gas fumes or you can get one of those that bleeps.
I have three way fridge and I leave the gas on all the time I am away they do not use a lot of gas,the 12 volt is only suposed to be used when you are driving and 240 volt when you have access to 240 mains supply.
Warning when using any gas appliance there should always be good ventilation in the area that you use the appliance in.
CARBON MONOXIDE fumes are deadly it is good practice to install a carbon monoxide alarm and gas leak alarm in your van, there have been cases of people in vans as well as houses dieing , if you have not got an alarm turn your gas off or you will not be able to,if not for your safety do it for the others that are in your van with you please.:eek:
got a carbon monoxide detecor but only works off 240v also thought that it would use a lot of gas need to find battery operated detector better safe than sorry/dead

knoxy said:
got a carbon monoxide detecor but only works off 240v also thought that it would use a lot of gas need to find battery operated detector better safe than sorry/dead
what i somtimes do is hook my fridge to 240volt at home for a couple of hours that keeps it cool for a while then when i get to where i am going put the gas on it makes sense dont it.
Have you got 240 volt hookup on your van.;)
knoxy said:
sound like a plan yes 240v on van. easy when you know how

your fridge should have three gas settings high medium and low depends on how warm it is inside your van what setting you have it on i normaly have mine on medium. OH yes congratulations your a MEMBER
Well i found recently, ensure you have sufficient gas (for some reason mine always runs out around about 1am when i am in my flannelette nightshirt and of course raining....
leave the fridge on the gas - thats the whole point of it.
nice warm duvet and of course big hunky chappy - though that may be optional in your case (in case said gas runs out and no refill)
if fridge running then you should be able to stock it with at least 5 days worth of veg, milk (keep potatoes elsewhere in the dark-ie the boot) and meat - though corned beef, tuna etc are handy as well as packet sauces. We have a fresh water tank - but water always tastes awful so we have a large fold up plastic water carrier that must carry about 20 litres - stays in the loo to save on space.
Some form of entertainment (if you have short attention span such as my lovely husband) ie portable tv/dvd player or books whatever your choice.
If you wish to power stuff that requires more than 12 v - buy a cheap inverter - sufficient to run computer costs around 20-40 quid.

Plenty of cash in case you are so far out there are no cash points
thanks for that ma Lady I'll stick to cuddling up to the wife.

this is a list of what u need when campin wild,, beer/ bog roll / baseball bat/ lighter/ torch/ and food ,oh yes the kid's + the missis haa haa .enjoy campers
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hillwalker said:
this is a list of what u need when campin wild,, beer/ bog roll / baseball bat/ lighter/ torch/ and food ,oh yes the wane's + the missis haa haa .enjoy campers
wane's by this hilly do you mean the wee ones as in the children there are probably a few readers on here that dont understand the Scottish accent
:D ;)

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