Efoy fuelcell

the only guy i know other than wully that had this system bought it through his firm just before he sold the firm with two crates of fuel as well he’d already managed to get his motorhome through the company the year before and steadfastly referred to it as ‘the bus’ (he had owned a coach company), his prime reason for buying the e foy was that he could transfer the whole system easily from one veh to the next , the point being there are as many models of motorhome as there are ways of using them very few of us buy them as an investment they are our toys one mans priorities are another not at any price ie fixed bed or generator when i first bought a caravan the salesman said all one van tells you is what you must have in the next , i did love charlie’s post why have solar in scotland when you only have two weeks sun a year tee hee, only you are entitled to decide how you use your dosh the point of a forum is to share information whether that’s what’s best?? or this is what i did!! unfortunately people’s opinions come across like teachers in school some share information your looking for others ram their view down your throat
Sorry I’m not quite getting what you mean. It works and wires direct to battery you set the level that you want it to start up so when you’re battery say dips to 12.3v it’ll start up automatically and run and if you’re using a constant feed from battery then it senses this and stays on until battery is fully charged or the setting that you’ve asked it to turn off at I’m no expert but find its been pretty simple to manage the settings


It should have said does the Efoy draw power from the leisure battery to run but you managed to make sense and answer the question.
This started off so positive wished ide kept my trap shut😂 it’s a bad day when you just try to inform people about somthing that you may find would be of help or interest and it turns into a typical wild camping turkey shoot as I’ve said I realy don’t care about cost or running costs it’s about the convenience. love and peace brothers😘✌️✌️

It could have gone even more downhill if you had have asked what size cables to use. ;)
Chris I’ve found an independent supplier for fuel there more than half the price of the company that supplied mine although most of the cost is shipping so 4 m5 tubs delivered from original supplier cost£196.80. The same order from an independent supplier £91View attachment 60744View attachment 60745. Think I might need to check this looks a bit iffy

I think you are right to be wary if the seller is selling Efoy fuel in Efoy containers at half price if they are not authorised dealers. Looking at the safety data spec sheets it gives it as 60% methanol, get that wrong and it could be very costly. I does not say what the other 40% is so would assume pure water, But that's all it is, is an assumption. I would have to dig much deeper before I tried any other fuel. Its not like me pissing about with a 200 quid heater. Maybe a case of penny wise pound foolish.
This stuff would be so easy and profitable to fake.
I am sure you will do your homework.
Chris I’ve found an independent supplier for fuel there more than half the price of the company that supplied mine although most of the cost is shipping so 4 m5 tubs delivered from original supplier cost£196.80. The same order from an independent supplier £91View attachment 60744View attachment 60745. Think I might need to check this looks a bit iffy

You should contact WC member John Thompson. He full timed and used an efoy. It had a lot of hours on it and he had it overhauled at the factory I believe.

I have also read that the fuel needs to be highly refined. That 60% pure stuff might be no good for an efoy. John will know.
I got my 60% bit from Efoy's own safety spec data sheets so that should be right. I wouldn't use anything other than genuine Efoy's fuel.
We need a bit of perpective on this, methanol for the Efoy unit is not the only expensive fuel, 20+ years ago Coleman fuel (basically petrol) for petrol stoves was selling at about £4 per litre, today on fleabay it is being offered at £10 per litre so methanol is looking cheaper already, and the other point is that most of us on this forum would think nothing of downing half a bottle of decent spirit at a price of anything north of £15. So I’m with Wully keep the methanol flowing.👍😜
We need a bit of perpective on this, methanol for the Efoy unit is not the only expensive fuel, 20+ years ago Coleman fuel (basically petrol) for petrol stoves was selling at about £4 per litre, today on fleabay it is being offered at £10 per litre so methanol is looking cheaper already, and the other point is that most of us on this forum would think nothing of downing half a bottle of decent spirit at a price of anything north of £15. So I’m with Wully keep the methanol flowing.👍😜

Methanol is already cheap at £80 for close to a 56 gallon drum full.... ;-)

Cheaper than Vodka lol
We need a bit of perpective on this, methanol for the Efoy unit is not the only expensive fuel, 20+ years ago Coleman fuel (basically petrol) for petrol stoves was selling at about £4 per litre, today on fleabay it is being offered at £10 per litre so methanol is looking cheaper already, and the other point is that most of us on this forum would think nothing of downing half a bottle of decent spirit at a price of anything north of £15. So I’m with Wully keep the methanol flowing.👍😜

I've got to say, I agree.

People work hard to earn their money to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Some people buy boats that will only do 1 mpg or less whereas they could have bought smaller more economical boats, same with cars. Some people will pay £100 for a bottle of wine because they enjoy it.

Horses for courses in my opinion.
If you have it for five years, and use it that little the average cost per KWH works out at £700 per year the machine plus £25 for the fuel. An average cost of £725 / 5.6 = £129.46 per KWH. Ouch!

Without a vastly cheaper fuel source, I think I'll stick to my LPG powered Dometic at £0.25 per KWH

To be fair, your comparison of £129.46 per KWH to £0.25 per KWH includes the price of the Efoy generator but not the Dometic.

If you look at the price of Dometic LPG generators, they are as expensive as the Efoy.
Methanol is cheap, cheaper than petrol in some countries but there are many different grades of methanol, from industrial to pure racing methanol. The trouble is EFOY fuel is NOT just methanol it is 60% methanol which leaves another 40% that only Efoy and fuel manufacturer knows what it is.
So we do not know what grade the methanol is, we do not know what the rest is made up of and do not know what filtration system it has been through.
Who would risk using the wrong fuel on something so costly. Not I.
If thats methanol,dont smoke or flick switches on off,it burns with a clear flame with a faster flash than old petrol,we used to run a 350 jap grass tracker on the stuff 12% power boost.:scared:

Maybe it's not the same as it used to be Trev, but this article reckons it is relatively safe;

Methanol and Fuel Cells

Interesting article at first glance, but I would have to read it a few times, and I can't be bothered!
If it were me I would be looking to see if it is possible to re-fill their fuel cartridges :) Pure methanol is available on ebay for £27 for 20L so I wonder why the cartridge is so dear? I may be because methanol is pretty toxic and there may also be duty implications?


The refills are expensive because they can....

Think printer ink cartridges, original vs copies

We need a bit of perpective on this, methanol for the Efoy unit is not the only expensive fuel, 20+ years ago Coleman fuel (basically petrol) for petrol stoves was selling at about £4 per litre, today on fleabay it is being offered at £10 per litre so methanol is looking cheaper already, and the other point is that most of us on this forum would think nothing of downing half a bottle of decent spirit at a price of anything north of £15. So I’m with Wully keep the methanol flowing.

I think Coleman claimed it was refined in some way new today they retail at £180 ish so not the worlds biggest problem if you screw it up. I have ran mine on lead free petrols direct from the pump for at least 30 years ! As for EFOY as Fazerloz suggests little info can be found as to how the fuel is additionally purified so it makes sense to play safe ? The capital investment would for me at least mean very careful what I do.

As for spending money, I choose to smoke and drink, simply put it is easy to see if I stopped I could spend on bigger things. The operative word is choice if the OP is happy and considers value that's all there is too it ...motor trade saying a good deal is a state of mind

I'll tell you what's expensive, a fecking Camping Gaz exchange refill
that's what's expensive !!!

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